The first MARIA TASH Paris location brings fine jewelry, luxury piercing, and best-in-class styling to the second floor of Le Bon Marché. Build your Curated Ear® in this iconic store on Rue de Sèvres. Le Bon Marché 24 Rue de Sèvres ...
MARIA TASH is the leading fine jewelry and luxury piercing destination recognized for quality, craftsmanship and innovation.
MARIA TASH Hiranya 8mm 14-karat gold single hoop earring HK$2,565 MARIA TASH Triple Spike 8mm 14-karat gold ear cuff HK$3,145 View More MARIA TASH Jewelry and Watches Fine Jewelry Earrings
Shop MARIA TASH 2.5mm 18-karat gold diamond hoop earring, Explore the latest MARIA TASH women's collection today on NET A PORTER
Shop Maria Tash Fine Jewelry at Shopbop. Explore the latest designer styles and enjoy free shipping and returns.
纽约设计师Maria Tash最新一季的Fine Jewelry作品,带来了近70件令人瞩目的钻石耳饰。这一系列作品以70年代的朋克风格为灵感,大胆创新,呈现出新颖的钻石切割和镶嵌方式,以及独特的耳饰佩戴效果。「长钉」(Spike)是Maria Tash的标志性设计元素,这次的新作中,她采用了定制切割的长盾形钻石,进一步突出了锐利的造型,展现出...
Shop Maria Tash Jewelry at Shopbop. Explore the latest designer styles and enjoy free shipping and returns.
纽约珠宝设计师 Maria Tash 推出新一季 Fine Jewely 作品,呈现近70件钻石耳环、钻石耳钉等饰品。以70年代朋克风格为灵感,大胆发挥想象,塑造出新颖的钻石切割琢形、镶嵌方式、耳饰佩戴效果。 长钉(Spike)是 Maria Tash 最常用的设计元素,本次新作采用定制切割的长盾形钻石,进一步突出锐利造型,展现醒目的视觉冲击力。
长钉(Spike)是 Maria Tash 最常用的设计元素,本次新作采用定制切割的长盾形钻石,进一步突出锐利造型,展现醒目的视觉冲击力。 Maria Tash 在新作中巧妙运用打孔钻石作为垂饰衔接,其中 Floating Diamond Tassel 耳环大胆运用总重近3.42ct的水滴钻,如华丽的流苏垂落于耳际。
MARIA TASH has revolutionized the fine jewelry and luxury piercing industries. The brand is known for self-expression; the Curated Ear® is a technique Maria herself developed where clients combine studs and rings in unique stylings that reflect their personal aesthetics. The original East Village...