Centro di Atletica Lauro Grossi, Farnese Theatre, Palazzetto Eucherio Sanvitale, Palazzo Bossi Bocchi, and Castello dei Burattini. Each of these landmarks and attractions adds to the allure of staying atSina Maria Luigia, making it an ideal base for immersing yourself in Parma's vibrant cultura...
Located in the heart of Parma, a city of art, great music and food tradition, SINA Maria Luigia is characterized by a refined style , where attention to detail is synonymous with hospitality. All rooms have undergone a recent renovation.
Parma, Profumeria Maria Luigia, Via Mazzini Parma 藥妝店 Via Mazzini, 27, 43100, Parma +39 052 1237676 加到喜愛清單 營業至 19-30 星期一 09-00 - 13-00 / 15-30 - 19-30 星期二 09-00 - 13-00 / 15-30 - 19-30 星期三 09-00 - 13-00 / 15-30 - 19-30...
新浪玛丽亚路吉亚酒店(Sina Maria Luigia) V.le Mentana, 140, 帕尔玛显示地图 不论是商务还是休闲旅客,新浪玛丽亚路吉亚酒店都能让您的帕尔玛之行变得更加美好而难忘。Parma位于距离该酒店大约400m的地方。著名的景点Apennines、Chiesa della Santissima Trinita和圣保罗壁画堂均可步行很短距离到达。查看更多 ...
Presents the musical culture during the reign of Maria Luigia in Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla. Declaration of Maria Luigia as duchess; Restoration of city cultural life; Implication for the promotion and support of institutions in sustaining culture in the community.Marvin...
著名的帕爾馬大教堂(Duomo di Parma)以其華麗的巴洛克風格和精緻的內部裝飾而聞名,這裡的壁畫和雕塑將帶您回到文藝復興的輝煌時代。附近的帕爾馬宮(Palazzo della Pilotta)更是不可錯過的景點,這座宏偉的建築群內藏有豐富的藝術珍品和歷史文物,是了解當地文化的絕佳場所。 除了文化遺產,帕爾馬的美食...
Parma, Profumeria Maria Luigia, Via Cavour Parma 藥妝店 Strada Cavour, 5/A, 43121, Parma +39 052 1282762 加到喜愛清單 閉店中。明天 09-00 開始營業 星期一 09-00 - 13-00 / 15-30 - 19-30 星期二 09-00 - 13-00 / 15-30 - 19-30 星期三 09-00 - 13-00 / 15-30 - 19-30...
Then Luigia Brattesani’s still born baby in 1924. Lastly Julio Quilietti, Valentina’s eldest son Sante took over the running of Emilio’s shops and we know that it is documented that he ran the shop at the bottom of the fighting five steps at the top of Leith Street. But it was ...
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