首次曝光的DCU新片《超人》演员片场照:主角工程师身着制服亮相。片场照中的“工程师”由Maria Gabriela De Faria饰演,她是一名美国DC漫画旗下的超级英雄角色。 故事中,“工程师”的初次登场是在《风暴守卫》第48期。她的真名是安吉拉·斯芭卡,从小就是个天才。之后她将自己的身体变成了液态金属,并能与机械进行交流...
Maria Gabriela de Faria is center stage with a camera pointed at her – scared to death. She is Maria Salazar, badass assassin on Deadly Class. This was Maria’s first lead role in America. She remembers the fear of getting fired at any moment and feeling like she didn’t trust ...