【中英】2024AACTA演员开拓奖 | 凯特扮中年芭比为玛格特罗比颁奖 9710 -- 0:32 App 「一部电影拿下奥斯卡和欧洲三大电影节最佳女主角的影后们」 2489 1 7:06 App 严正花|第50届大钟奖 最佳女主角《蒙太奇》 6686 -- 0:32 App [第94届奥斯卡]2022奥斯卡最佳女主提名!骚潘空降,KS起死回生,Gaga遗憾被Snub...
玛格特·罗比如何成为电影真人版《芭比》从试镜、试装到角色准备,自爆没试镜就演出?How Margot Robbie Became Barbie 我是全球焦点 2.2万 5 电影《芭比》|behind the scenes(2023) C001Cat 2.4万 36 【梦想中的生活】芭比1-7季❀各种高科技展示~ 淡云流水 8.7万 164 展开...
Margot Robbie, Australian actress who was known for her scene-stealing magnetism and the depth of her performances in a variety of roles. Her movies included The Wolf of Wall Street; Suicide Squad; I, Tonya; Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood; Bombshell; an
两人近日出席电影《芭比》(Barbie)首映,Margot Robbie 披着金色长发,身穿粉色套装、高跟鞋,让网友大喊:“根本就是芭比本人!” 真人版《芭比》(Barbie)电影即将上映,饰演女主角“芭比”的 Margot Robbie 与男主角“肯” Ryan Gosling 一同出席 2023 CinemaCon《芭比》首映会,两人皆呼应剧中造型,以粉色为主色调穿搭,...
玛格特·罗比Margot Robbie出席《芭比Barbie 》全球首映式。 û收藏 1 1 ñ33 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 音乐博主 微博译制视频博主 Ü 简介: 关注国际欧美动态,纵横音乐 娱乐 时尚 演出,译制欧美有趣视频,带来新鲜第一手资讯,合作私信...
随《Barbie 芭比》真人版电影即将上映,热度持续上升,主演 Ryan Gosling、Margot Robbie 等人都更成了瞩目焦点。为宣传电影, Margot Robbie 携手造型師 Andrew Mukama 完美设计了一系列令人惊艳的真人芭比造型,包括Valentino、Moschino、Bottega Veneta 到 Versace,以及如換装娃娃般的惊喜设计!造型灵感除了源自经典芭比,...
Margot Robbie. Actress: Suicide Squad. Margot Elise Robbie was born on July 2, 1990 in Dalby, Queensland, Australia to Scottish parents. Her mother, Sarie Kessler, is a physiotherapist, and her father, is Doug Robbie. She comes from a family of four chil
Margot Robbie and Andrew Mukamal Take Vogue Inside the Making of their Barbie: The World Tour Book By Leah Faye CooperMarch 8, 2024 Vintage Jelly Shoes Inspired Margot Robbie’s “Plastic” Pink Manicure By Lauren Murdoch-SmithFebruary 26, 2024 Margot Robbie and Chanel Reunite for Another Barbie...
Margot Robbie is an Australian actor and producer, born July 2, 1990. She got her start in 2008 on the long-running Australian soap opera “Neighbours,” playing series regular Donna Freedman until 2011. After relocating to America, Robbie starred in the
Margot Robbieis bumpin’ along! The 34-year-old pregnantBarbieactress checked her phone as she and husbandTom Ackerleyarrived at doctors office for an appointment on Wednesday morning (October 16) in Los Angeles. For the appointment,Margotdressed her baby bump in an all-black outfit and stayed...