超清中字预告《芭比/Barbie》 蓝光源花絮 1.1万 1 【模拟人生4】芭比梦想豪宅仿建 創可貼ni 8.7万 618 玛格特·罗比如何成为电影真人版《芭比》从试镜、试装到角色准备,自爆没试镜就演出?How Margot Robbie Became Barbie 我是全球焦点 2.2万 5 电影《芭比》|behind the scenes(2023) C001Cat 2.4万 36 ...
【中英】2024AACTA演员开拓奖 | 凯特扮中年芭比为玛格特罗比颁奖 9710 -- 0:32 App 「一部电影拿下奥斯卡和欧洲三大电影节最佳女主角的影后们」 2489 1 7:06 App 严正花|第50届大钟奖 最佳女主角《蒙太奇》 6686 -- 0:32 App [第94届奥斯卡]2022奥斯卡最佳女主提名!骚潘空降,KS起死回生,Gaga遗憾被Snub...
两人近日出席电影《芭比》(Barbie)首映,Margot Robbie 披着金色长发,身穿粉色套装、高跟鞋,让网友大喊:“根本就是芭比本人!” 真人版《芭比》(Barbie)电影即将上映,饰演女主角“芭比”的 Margot Robbie 与男主角“肯” Ryan Gosling 一同出席 2023 CinemaCon《芭比》首映会,两人皆呼应剧中造型,以粉色为主色调穿搭,...
Barbie became the highest-grossing film of 2023 and set numerous records, including the highest-earning movie directed by a woman. That success translated into a slew of award nominations and the 2024 Golden Globe for Cinematic and Box Office Achievement, which Robbie and Gerwig accepted on behalf...
造型灵感除了源自经典芭比,造型师还把Margot Robbie 打造成完全的真人版 Barbie,Margot Robbie 換上各式的粉色调,突出那标志性的氛围,而她的金法波浪更完美诠释了各个造型,一如走出电影,来到真实人生中的 Barbie,以其时髦捕获万众目光!另外,Margot Robbie 还向观众展现了影片中令人印象深刻的画面,包括条纹泳装...
【英字 |芭比Dreamhouse】电影芭比house介绍 |Margot Robbie Takes You Inside The Barbie Dreamho 61 0 2023-07-24 12:30:41 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~点赞 投币 3 分享https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKgaVlMN7IY 知识 校园学习 英语听力 英语学习 英语 电影 字幕...
玛格特·罗比Margot Robbie出席《芭比Barbie 》全球首映式。 û收藏 1 1 ñ33 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 音乐博主 微博译制视频博主 Ü 简介: 关注国际欧美动态,纵横音乐 娱乐 时尚 演出,译制欧美有趣视频,带来新鲜第一手资讯,合作私信...
Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling on the making of 'Barbie' (七月 10, 2023) Self - Interviewee Fantastic (2023) (TV Series) - Self - Guest (1 episode, 2023) Episode dated 17 June 2023 (六月 17, 2023) Self - Guest Margot Robbie Takes You Inside the Barbie Dreamhouse (2023) (...
Margot Robbie gibt Netflix Korb, entscheidet sich fürs Kino 10/26/2024 by Thomas Schultze Spot - Media & Film Greta Gerwig Margot Robbie Accepts $70 Million Loss By Rejecting Netflix’s $150 Million Offer For Wuthering Heights? Here’s How It Could Make Her A Box Office Queen!
Margot Robbie Transforms Into Barbie for New Film Pregnant Margot Robbie Makes First Public Appearance Baring Baby Bump Billie Eilish Shocks Celebrity Friends With Prank Calls! Ariana Madix Names the Procedures She's Had Done to Her Face Margot Robbie Is Pregnant, Expecting Her First Child With Hus...