【中英】2024AACTA演员开拓奖 | 凯特扮中年芭比为玛格特罗比颁奖 9710 -- 0:32 App 「一部电影拿下奥斯卡和欧洲三大电影节最佳女主角的影后们」 2489 1 7:06 App 严正花|第50届大钟奖 最佳女主角《蒙太奇》 6686 -- 0:32 App [第94届奥斯卡]2022奥斯卡最佳女主提名!骚潘空降,KS起死回生,Gaga遗憾被Snub...
#芭比宣传造型出书# Margot Robbie和她的御用造型师Andrew Mukamal将把罗比在《芭比》电影宣传期内所有做过的造型编排成书! 书名:《芭比:世界巡回(Barbie: The World Tour)》出版日期:2024年3月8日 该...
Margot Robbie, Australian actress who was known for her scene-stealing magnetism and the depth of her performances in a variety of roles. Her movies included The Wolf of Wall Street; Suicide Squad; I, Tonya; Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood; Bombshell; an
《Vogue》中国主编章凝书写前言 搜狐娱乐讯 1月23日,据外媒报道,“芭比”的扮演者Margot Robbie和她的造型师Andrew Mukamal将把“罗比”在电影《芭比》宣传期内所有做过的造型编成书,书名为《芭比:世界巡回(Barbie: The World Tour)》,出版日期为2024年3月8日。 据悉,该书由Margot Robbie和Andrew Mukamal攥写;...
Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling on the making of 'Barbie' (七月 10, 2023) Self - Interviewee Fantastic (2023) (TV Series) - Self - Guest (1 episode, 2023) Episode dated 17 June 2023 (六月 17, 2023) Self - Guest Margot Robbie Takes You Inside the Barbie Dreamhouse (2023) (...
玛格特·罗比如何成为电影真人版《芭比》从试镜、试装到角色准备,自爆没试镜就演出?How Margot Robbie Became Barbie 我是全球焦点 2.2万 5 电影《芭比》|behind the scenes(2023) C001Cat 2.4万 36 【梦想中的生活】芭比1-7季❀各种高科技展示~ 淡云流水 8.7万 164 展开...
两人近日出席电影《芭比》(Barbie)首映,Margot Robbie 披着金色长发,身穿粉色套装、高跟鞋,让网友大喊:“根本就是芭比本人!” 真人版《芭比》(Barbie)电影即将上映,饰演女主角“芭比”的 Margot Robbie 与男主角“肯” Ryan Gosling 一同出席 2023 CinemaCon《芭比》首映会,两人皆呼应剧中造型,以粉色为主色调穿搭...
Actor Margot Robbie made a splash as the star of Barbie, particularly during the press tour ahead of the movie’s July 2023 release when she wore iconic Barbie outfit after iconic Barbie outfit. But Robbie, 33, did more than bring the famous doll to life. She also had a major hand in...
造型灵感除了源自经典芭比,造型师还把Margot Robbie 打造成完全的真人版 Barbie,Margot Robbie 換上各式的粉色调,突出那标志性的氛围,而她的金法波浪更完美诠释了各个造型,一如走出电影,来到真实人生中的 Barbie,以其时髦捕获万众目光!另外,Margot Robbie 还向观众展现了影片中令人印象深刻的画面,包括条纹泳装...
Margot Robbie has channeled many iconic Barbie-inspired looks during the global press tour for "Barbie" in the past. Continuing to celebrate her role and the success of the movie, Robbie appeared on the red carpet at the 2024 Golden Globes on Sunday, donning a full Armani sequin outfit, a...