边际收入=销售量变动一个单位所导致的收入变动额 Marginal revenue = Change in revenue / Change in quantity 边际成本=销售量变动一个单位所导致的成本变动额 Marginal cost = Change in cost / Change in quantity 举例: 某公司销售100个A产品,价格都是10元。销售第101个A产品的时候,降价促销,5元。 第101个...
边际成本(Marginal Cost)是指厂商在短期内增加一单位产量所引起的总成本的增加。一般而言,随着产量的增加,总成本递减的增加,从而边际成本下降,也就是说的是规模效应。 边际成本是指在一定产量水平下,增加或减少一个单位产量所引起成本总额的变动数。通常只按变动成本计算。边际成本用以判断增减产...
Marginal Revenue below the Average Total Cost是【中英字幕】可汗学院--微观经济之NEC备赛(PRE DR AS Division所有组别都适用)的第47集视频,该合集共计70集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
The most basic profit maximization strategy is to compare a company'smarginal revenueand marginal cost. If the company can sell one additional good for more than the cost of that incremental good, the company can increase profit by increasing output. ...
边际成本指的是每增加一件产品增加的成本,首先你要知道边际成本随着生产规模的扩大先是递减然后是递增的 当边际收益大于边际成本时,产商增加一单位产量获得的收益大于付出的成本,所以厂商增加产量是有利的,总利润会随之增加 当厂商增加的产量到达一定程度时边际成本就开始增加,在增加到等于边际收益之前,增加...
Total Revenue (R) = Pq Chapter 8 2 ©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization pp. 262-8 Costs of production depends on output, q Total Cost (C) = C(q) Profit for the firm, π, is difference between revenue and costs ...
The marginal analysis refers to the incremental analysis. The major marginal analysis is done on the cost and the revenue because these two will affect the level of profitability of the firm. If the firm is profitable, then production will continue....
2) marginal revenue 边际收入 例句>> 3) equivalent marginal cost 等效边际成本 1. In this paper,the relationship between uncertainty,firms equivalent marginal costs and investment in the non perfect market is analyzed through financial option method,and the demand elasticity′s and firm s market ...
如何理解B?为什么利润最大化的时候,是marginal revenue=marginal cost?