mar·gi·nal lay·er the outer, nonnuclear layer of the embryonic neural tube; into its fibrous network grow the longitudinal nerve fibers that eventually become the white matter of the spinal cord and brainstem. Synonym(s):marginal zone(2) ...
marginal constituencydistrito electoral en la que un determinado partido ha ganado con escasa mayoría 4.(Econ) [cost, utility, productivity] →marginal marginal tax rate→tasafimpositivamarginal 5.(Agr) [land] →pocorentable B.N(Brit) (Parl) (alsomarginal seat)escaño obtenido por escasa ...
The locational marginal price (LMP) of energy is the cost of withdrawing an incremental MWh at a bus on the transmission system and is set either by the combination of the offer prices ($/MWh) of the marginal generators that are delivering power to that location or the bids ($/MWh) of...
where \({\varvec{\varGamma}}_{\hbox{max} }\) is the Lagrangian multiplier vector of the congested lines flow constraints; Pmin is the vector of minimum generation of high cost units; Pmax is the vector of maximum generation of low cost units; a is the vector of the intercept of the...
" the new standards will cost the economy on the whole — for the same reduction in gas use — at least six times more than a federal gas tax of roughly 45 cents per dollar of gasoline." Isn't the crucial distinction here about who bears the cost? With CAFE it is "the economy on...
30、I (Dual problem 40)GivenN+1marginalsiP(X), potential functionsfi,iI, and a cost functionc(X(0),.,X(N) : Rd(N+1)R , the dual Kantorovich problem can be defi ned as: W(0,.,N) = sup fi X i Z fi ? X(i) ? di ? X(i) ? , s.t. X i fi ? X(i) ? c ?
marginal constituency distrito electoral en la que un determinado partido ha ganado con escasa mayoría 4. (Econ) [cost, utility, productivity]→ marginalmarginal tax rate→ tasa f impositiva marginal 5. (Agr) [land]→ poco rentable B. N (Brit) (Parl) (also marginal seat) escaño ...
marginal constituency distrito electoral en la que un determinado partido ha ganado con escasa mayoría 4. (Econ) [cost, utility, productivity]→ marginalmarginal tax rate→ tasa f impositiva marginal 5. (Agr) [land]→ poco rentable B. N (Brit) (Parl) (also marginal seat) escaño ...
This manuscript was elaborated under the framework of research tasks of projects: V4-1438, V4-1614, COST Action FP1202 “Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation of marginal/peripheral populations of forest trees to climate change in Europe (MaP-FGR)”. The authors wish to thank ...
In order to further finetune the AWP, it is also recommended to carry out long-term physical measurements of water flows to different farming systems and calculate the investment cost, including the depreciating/appreciating value of long-term assets such as land, equipment, etc.Author...