版: CSS1 JavaScript语法: object .style.marginBottom="100px" Try it 浏览器支持 在表中的数字规定,完全支持该属性的第一个浏览器版本。 属性 margin-bottom 1.0 6 1.0 1.0 3.5 CSS语法 margin-bottom:length|auto|initial|inherit; 属性值
The syntax for the margin-bottom CSS property is: margin-bottom:value; Parameters or Arguments value The margin to apply to the bottom of the element. It can be one of the following: ValueDescription fixedFixed value expressed in px, em, ... ...
1 选择需要设置下外边距的元素。可以是文本、图片、容器等元素。2 定义 margin-bottom 属性值。可以使用 px、em、% 等单位。3 调整下外边距效果。使用浏览器预览下外边距效果。4 组合使用 margin 属性。可以使用 margin 属性同时设置上下左右四个方向的外边距。
Bottom margin of the element is animatable. Version CSS2 DOM Syntax object.style.marginBottom = "70px"; Syntax margin-bottom: length | auto | initial | inherit; Example of the margin-bottom property: <!DOCTYPE html> Title of the document .bottom { margin-bottom: 100px; } Mar...
CSS property is used to control the spacing between the bottom edge of an element and the elements that come after it in a document's layout. It allows web developers to adjust the amount of space, in pixels or other specified units, that separates the element from its subsequent content....
Specifies the bottom margin of the object. With the margin-bottom property you can specify the distance between the element's bottommost position and the bottom border-bottom.
CSS margin-bottom屬性用於指定要在元素底部使用的邊距量。可以按長度或百分比設置邊距。 用法: margin-bottom:<length> | <percentage> | auto 屬性值: Length:此值指定具有固定值的邊距長度。該值可以為正,負或零。 例: <!DOCTYPE html> CSS margin-bottom div{ background-color:lightgreen; } ...
The margin-bottom CSS property sets the margin area on the bottom of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.
if we setup 'centerContent' div margin property as margin:0 auto; it means margin-top:0; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:0; margin-left:auto; Css will calculation the margin-right and margin-left by this rule: ('content' div width - 'centerContent' div width)/2 = (500-300)/2 =...
CSS margin-bottom 属性 CSS margin-bottom Property CSS margin-bottom 属性用于指定要在元素底部使用的边距量。可以根据长度或百分比设置边距。 语法: margin-bottom:<length>|<percentage>|auto 属性值: Length:该值指定边距的长度,具有固定值。该值可以是正数、负数或零。