转载于:网页链接 现金账户(Cash Account)、融资账户(Margin Account) 美国Broker 的规则 1、现金账户(Cash Account) 投资者可以申请及透过现金帐户交易股票,但是, 在现金帐户中交易的股票资金需要三个交易日来完成交割。交割一词代表证券被正式转移至买方的帐户,且资金正式进入卖方的帐户。期权交易只需要一个交易日来...
There are several types of brokerage accounts, but mostly, they are variants of two basic account types:margin accountorcash account. Put most straightforward, a cash account requires the client to pay in full for the securities they buy for their account. If they have $500, they can only ...
In the world of finance, the choice between a margin account and a cash account is not a binary decision, but rather a strategic one that depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. Cash accounts provide stability and simplicity, while margin accounts offer the al...
港股中这两种类型account差别实在大。 美股cash accountT+3实在麻烦,一不留神就必须free ride. 但转成magin account又有点担心。 全部讨论 目测你用的是scottrade,我也用这个,账户总值超过2000美元,可以开margin,交易制度是T+1,但在5个交易日之内,有三次当冲机会,即T+0机会;如果做了4次,账户会被禁止交易3个...
You can buy or sell options in either a cash or a margin account. However, some trades can only be executed in a margin account. Trades requiring margin are any that potentially expose you to a greater loss than the premium you earned from the trade, suc
A margin account is a type of brokerage account in which your broker lends you money to be used for purchasing securities. To receive the brokerage's loan you must provide collateral in the form of cash or some types of securities. Let’s say you buy a $100 stock using a margin ...
Margin Account即保证金账户,一种盈透证券的账户类型,能够通过借入支持证券交易,包括卖空股票、期权交易、期货/期货期权交易、货币转换和以多种货币定价的证券/商品交易。相关双语示例如下,供参考:Margin allows investors to buy securities with money borrowed from brokers or banks. It is calculated based on ...
(4)交割:settelment by delivery or cash; 如果是cash settlement,又称为non delivery forwards, cash settled forwards, contracts for differences; 两种交易方式的economic effect是一样的; (5)流通性:较差 -futures;期货 (1)交易场所:futures fexchange;标准化合同; ...
In a cash account, you must use other strategies tohedgeor produce income on their account since you must use cash deposits for long positions only. For example, you can enter astop orderto sell XYZ stock if it drops below a specific price, which limits your downside risk. Owners of ...
A margin account is a brokerage account in which the broker lends the customer cash to purchase assets. Trading on margin magnifies gains and losses.