Morris, who released both an album and a single titled “Girl” earlier this year, wrote, “The irony is just too rich that after a year of living in the ‘GIRL’ headspace, the universe would give us a baby boy to even things out.” The 29-year-old penned that message alongside a...
Maren Morrisis baring her baby bump. The "I Could Use a Love Song" singer took to Instagram on Wednesday to share a stunning photo of herself cradling her burgeoning belly, just one day after sheannounced her pregnancy. Morris is expecting her first child, a baby boy, with husband Ryan H...
So far, Morris is “enjoy[ing] being pregnant,” the dad-to-be went on to tellUs, calling the experience “really fun.” He added, “This year has been so amazing for her and then to also be able to talk about baby news, it’s just been so special all around. I’m...
Maren Morrisknows how to put on a show --nine months pregnantor otherwise! The "All My Favorite People" singer made her Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo debut at NRG Stadium on Saturday night, just weeks before she's set to give birth to her and husbandRyan Hurd's fir...
Looks like the new mom is bracing herself for sleepless nights and priceless moments with her son when the time finally comes. But other than that, the mom-to-be seems to be head over heels for her little one and her husband as well. In a lengthier Instagram post, Morris wrote...
marks Morris' third No. 1 song alongside "I Could Use a Love Song" and the title track of her CMA Album of the Year, "Girl." Morris co-wrote the song with Laura Veltz and Jimmy Robbins while she was engaged to husbandRyan Hurd, the trio writing from a sentimental place of feeling ...