意大利的马可·波罗 Marco Polo from Italy 踏上了探索东方的神秘之旅 embarked on a mysterious journey to explore the East,成为了东西方文明的使者 becoming a bridge between Eastern and Western civilizations.如今 Today,同样来自意大利的汉学家梅毕娜 Sinologist Giuseppina Merchionne from Italy,在向导小王的带...
marco polo 英文回答: Marco Polo was a famous Italian explorer who traveled to Asia in the 13th century. His journey took him to many different countries, including China, where he spent several years in the court of Kublai Khan. Marco Polo's travels were recorded in a bookcalled "The ...
新马可•波罗游记 The New Travels of "Marco Polo" 700多年前 Over 700 years ago, 意大利的马可·波罗 Marco Polo from Italy 踏上了探索东方的神秘之旅 embarked on a mysterious journey to explore the East, 成为了东西方文明的使者 becoming a bridge between Eastern and Western civilizations. 如今 T...
意大利的马可·波罗 Marco Polo from Italy 踏上了探索东方的神秘之旅 embarked on a mysterious journey to explore the East, 成为了东西方文明的使者 becoming a bridge between Eastern and Western civilizations. 如今 Today, 同样来自意大利的汉学家梅毕娜 ...
200 p. A sport and a pastime - James Salter 677 p. The Shards - Bret Easton Ellis 2054 p. Wind and Truth - Brandon Sanderson 152 p. 世界尽头的咖啡馆 英文版 The Why Café 77 p. Small Things Like These - Claire Keegan 100 p. The Details - Ia Genberg 关于...
1、lMarco Polo 马可.波罗(1254-1324) 是意大利旅行家.出生于意大利威尼斯一商人家庭,1271年随父亲和叔叔经“丝绸之路” 来东方.1275年5月至上都,深得元世祖忽必烈之信任和厚待,多次游中国,1292年离开中国,1295年底抵威尼斯.1298年在威尼斯与热那亚之战中被俘,于狱中口述东方见闻,由同狱鲁详细梯谦(Rusticiano) ...
The Italian Marco Polo is probably the world’s most famous traveler and one of the world’s first travel writers. The famous Venetian is believed to have left Venice at age 17 to embark on a 24-year journey through the Persian Gulf and Asia, spending much of this time in China in the...
The Travels of Marco Polo: The Illustrated EditionThe article reviews the book "The Travels of Marco Polo," by Marco Polo, edited by Morris Rossabi, translated by Henry Yule, the illustrated ed...
the travels of marco polo , by marco polo “marco polo was the first person to chronicle the commercial and cultural challenges that existed during a period of very little international interaction. in many ways, modern corporations that want to collaborate at a technical level are like nation-...