Stunning building and a must see. Ladies must have covered shoulders and will be prevented from entering. The market stalls in the square are well prepared selling a selection of scarves from €5-€20! We were unable to buy the priority tickets but didn’t need them as we only...
Scuola Italiana di Sci Parati di Tivo天气2℃/16℃ 庞贝古城天气4℃/16℃ Campo Felice S.p.A.天气-3℃/10℃ Majelletta WE天气-3℃/10℃ Basilica di San Tommaso Apostolo天气2℃/12℃ SkiPass Alto Sangro天气-6℃/6℃ Punta Acquabella Beach天气2℃/12℃ 西班牙广场天气2℃/16℃ Trabocco ...
Scuola Italiana di Sci Parati di Tivo天气9℃/14℃ 佛罗伦萨学院美术馆天气8℃/12℃ 西班牙广场天气9℃/14℃ 阿西西新教堂天气6℃/12℃ 君士坦丁凯旋门天气9℃/14℃ Frasassi Caves天气4℃/8℃ Sassotetto S.r.l.天气5℃/8℃ 圣家圣殿天气6℃/10℃ Campo Felice S.p.A.天气2℃/7℃ 帕拉蒂尼山...