"For centuries, Marco Polo has made outstanding contributions to the historical and cultural exchanges between the two ancient civilizations of Italy and China," said the cultural counselor. "Whether in reality or in imagination, Marco Polo's stories still inspire us to travel today." Lu Zhizhou...
In conclusion, Marco Polo's contributions to travel literature, history, and cultural exchanges between the East and West are immeasurable. Hisaccounts of his travels continue to inspire people from all corners of the world to seek knowledge and understanding of other cultures, leading to a deeper...
Marco Polo (2014) is a historical drama series created by John Fusco, which follows the early years of the famed explorer Marco Polo in the court of Kublai Khan, the leader of the Mongol Empire. Starring Lorenzo Richelmy as Marco, the series explores themes of power, politics, and ...
Silk Road | History & Importance 4:54 Marco Polo's Travel Route & Exploration | Overview & Significance 4:58 4:15 Next Lesson New Ways of Spreading Information in the Renaissance How the Printing Press Changed the World 4:49 The Rise of the Vernacular and the Decline of Latin 4:...
"The Travels of Marco Polo" became one of the most influential travel books in history. It introduced Europe to the wonders of Asia and ignited interest in exploration and trade with the East. Polo's vivid descriptions of the Far East, including his account ofthe court of the Great Khan,...
Shanghai Daily对此进行整版报道Exhibition traces Marco Polo's path,其中介绍了伊斯坦布尔本土艺术家切夫德特·埃雷克(Cevdet Erek)《两栖》,高世强+山水创作集体《山水:云山六章》,许江《共生会否可能?》,邱志杰《大闸蟹:艺术生态地图 2021》等在...
MARCO POLO WEST TO EAST 马可波罗从西方到东方 Dedicated to the Chinese company that has done the most to deepen or create a partnership with Italian companies in China, contributing to the economic growth of both countries. ...
Mattarella said Marco Polo's bond with China epitomizes the long history of Italy-China friendship and how the two civilizations shine together. China-Italy cultural cooperation is fruitful and dynamic, and the two sides should maintain close people-to-people exchanges and implement the plan for ...
Marco Polo It is difficult to imagine what the world was like in 1254. Europe was living in an age that we callthe Medieval Period(中世纪). It was a time of many wars. It was in that time thatMarco Polowas born in Venice, Italy. Life in Venice was d1from life in most of Europe...
She said it was not enough for her to be a "modern Marco Polo." Besides translation, she has devoted herself to teaching her students to contribute to cross-cultural communication. Nankai University established an Italian department in 2017, and Vallini was one of the founding teachers. Yan ...