Of course, it’s possible that small mutational differences would have occurred in the past three centuries, since Augustine Washington, the common ancestor of George Washington and SWW, lived, but if so, their haplogroups would be nearly identical. The Washington family has graciously permitted th...
Brent Scher of the Washington Free Beaconreportsthat the company has been a big donor to the Clinton Foundation, which presumably means it won’t be targeted if she makes it to the White House. Hillary Clinton has spent the past few months going after Johnson Controls for moving its headquart...
The following post is in response to a recent article and online chat in the Washington Post about transgender kids and teens; several 4thWaveNow parents participated in the chat. On February 24, 2017, Steven Petrow, in his Washington Post“Civilities” column, used an email from a “worried...
Ottens started work on the cassette tape in the early 1960s. The wayNPRtells the story, he wanted to develop a way for people to listen to music that was affordable and accessible in the way that large reel-to-reel tapes at the time were not. So he first created a wooden prototype ...
Today is the first day of Spring and I’m “leavin on a jet plane” headed to the state of Washington, home of beautiful Mt. Rainier and fields of tulips! I’ll continue my blogging from my Seattle area home. “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in ...
On Monday, April Ryan, Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks, asked Press Secretary Sean Spicer if the White House had anything to say about this hate crime. Spicer repeatedly refused to saying anything specific about the murder, stating that he was “not going to reference ...
In sum, based on the entire record in this case, I find that [Northwestern University]’s football players who receive scholarships fall squarely within the [National Labor Relations] Act’s broad definition of “employee” when one considers the common law definition of “employee.” Previous ...
This is not to say that friends can't influence each other: Carl Weese and I got together once in Washington, D.C.—he was shooting a kids soccer game on assignment, among other things—and we compared work. I vigorously defended the low contrast of my prints and he defended the high...
She has no definition, and she uses a phrase (“rethink school”) as a pronouncer for the verb. Ms. DeVos adds to the confusion by using a Merriam-Webster pronouncer for the noun (ˈrē- ˌthiŋk), with its primary accent on the first syllable (RE-think), instead of an M-...
Head to Washington Square Park for the debut of artist Ryan Van Der Hout’s "To Reflect Everything," a 7-foot mirrored sculpture resembling a disco ball. The piece invites viewers to explore themes of reflection, connection and transformation through its unique form and structure. It's on vi...