James Laurenceson
In time, we expect China to strive to rebalance its economy through consumption rather than investments and exports, which will create a long-term opportunity for the leading consumer brands in China. We see three potential positive catalysts for China's consumer brands in the year to come: ...
130% AFR3.37%3.34%3.33%3.32% 150% AFR3.90%3.86%3.84%3.83% 175% AFR4.55%4.50%4.47%4.46% Long-Term AFR2.91%2.89%2.88%2.87% 110% AFR3.21%3.18%3.17%3.16% 120% AFR3.50%3.47%3.46%3.45% 130% AFR3.80%3.76%3.74%3.73% 2019 Tax Seminar Dates are Now Available ...
DR. MATTEUCCI, the well-known Italian traveller, who recently left Rome on a journey of exploration in AfricP., in company with Prince Borghese, has arrived in Cairo, where he has had the good fortune to meet Mgr. Guillaume Massaja. From Mgr. Massaja's long practical knowledge of ...
One concern that appeared with this new organization is whether sauropodomorphs would still be considered dinosaurs. The term “dinosaur” was coined by Richard Owen in 1842 to refer to the remains of the three genera known at the time,Iguanodon, HylaeosaurusandMegalosaurus, the first two bei...
A point often made at such times is that net migration from NZ to Australia has slowed to a trickle, usually with the implication that this marks the end of the long term movement. In reality, the cyclical nature of net migration has been a marked feature of movement patterns, ever since...
15.5 +2.0 300.4 +10.3 Total Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Liabilities Total Net Assets End of Mar/07 1,024.8 541.0 483.8 649.7 End of Sep/07 Changes 1,043.1 +18.4 Comments 547.4 +6.4 495.8 +12.0 Increase of long-term debt, etc. 668.2 +18.6 Interest-bearing Debts 536.9 593.9 +57.0...
select article Experimental and numerical study of a latent heat storage using sodium acetate trihydrate for short and long term applications Research articleOpen access Experimental and numerical study of a latent heat storage using sodium acetate trihydrate for short and long term applications ...
is in essence a consequence of a lack of infrastructure, rather than poor efficiency in production and imports failing to meet demand. To turn the tide of hunger in Africa, Russia has to play longer term role, banking on capacity-building. Aid must fall on the necessary infrastructure...
Observations made during a follow-up visit in October 1988 suggest that there will be no long-term negative impact as a result of the floods.doi:10.1080/00359199009520244P. D. MorantM. O'CallaghanTaylor & Francis GroupTransactions of the Royal Society of South Africa...