Example:We had a blizzard last week and now people are walking around in shorts—that’s March weather for you. Where doesMarchcome from? The first records of the wordMarchas the name of a month come from before 1050. It comes from the LatinMārtius mēnsis,meaning “the month ofMars,”...
The meaning of MARCH is a border region : frontier; especially : a district originally set up to defend a boundary —usually used in plural. How to use march in a sentence.
Middle English March "the third month," from early French march (same meaning), derived from Latin martius "of (the god) Mars" Word Origin One of the gods worshipped by the ancient Romans was a war god named Mars. In his honor they named one of the months of the year martius, whi...
When March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb. So many mists in March, so many frosts in May. April borrows three days from March and their all ill. A wet March, a wet Spring. As it rains in March so it rains in June. March winds and April showers Bring forth Ma...
Because our help comes from the Lord. And as we look up let us remember that God is always lovingly looking at us. He cares for us. Let us just read today’s Psalm and pray it again. In fact, we should pray it every day, it will remind us that God is watching over us. I ...
“In the field of observation,”legendary disease prevention pioneerLouis Pasteurfamously proclaimed in 1854,“chance favors only the prepared mind.”“Knowledge comes form noticing resemblances and recurrences in the events that happen around us,”neuroscience godfatherWilfred Trotterasserted. That keen ...
This essay on family and faith is the third in a five-part series about the value of religion “Congregations erect a sacred canopy of meaning over the great chapters of family life: birth, childrearing, and marriage.”– W. Bradford Wilcox[1] ...
Spider-Man. Spider-Man. Who,according to the song, does whatever a spider can. However, when it comes to fighting crime, sometimes he doesn’t do it as well as a spider would. The Amazing Spider-Man AnnualVol 3, No. 1had three stories in it. We’ll take what was behind Door Numb...
“The Eyes of The Shadow”, the Knight of Darkness assumes the identity of Lamont Cranston to investigate a series of baffling serial murders in a groundbreaking novel that introduced the Shadow’s famous alter ego and his enigmatic agent, Burbank. Then, can The Shadow stop “The Money Master...
Noruz,Nowrooz,Nowruz- (Persian) the new year holiday in Iran and Azerbaijan and Afghanistan and Pakistan and parts of India and among the Kurds; comes at the vernal equinox spring,springtime- the season of growth; "the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring"; "he will hold office unti...