Continue to be present and work to ground yourself better. Stay tethered to reality as so much spiritual and imaginative energy is trying to get you lost. Sign up to receive your daily horoscope right to your inbox Get Your Free Horoscopes Here Love Career...
LIBRA This week’s lunar eclipse energy in your sign impacts you the most of all of the signs! You can try to play it cool, but your emotions will be written all over your face, whether you expect it or not. Wearing your heart on your sleeve will soften you into vulnerability and al...
the powerful first sign of the zodiac; we experience the renewing energy of the spring equinox, and we also celebrate the start of a new astrological year. This fiery, passionate energy has anI can do anything I set my mind tovibe, ...
Spend time this week refining your vision by breaking the bigger tasks down into more manageable steps with a reasonable timeline to keep yourself on track. Be as detail-oriented as possible. MORE:Sign up for our newsletters for daily in-depth astrological content. Aquarius: Two of Swords Be ...
As per Capricorn Monthly Horoscope March 2024, for most of this month, Saturn will remain in the combust position. Thus, one shouldn’t expect favorable outcomes from Saturn. Rahu will be present in Nakshatra of Mercury in Pisces sign. In such a situation, Rahu will provide favorable results...
See also theAstrology Trends Calendarthat includes these daily trend overviews and other astrological events such as ingresses, stations, and lunations. MARCH 21 The Moon continues its transit of Gemini until 8:18 AM EDT when it enters Cancer. The Cancer Moon encourages reconnected with our hear...
I just now read in Wikipedia that, according to Alice Bailey, the Wisdom Masters of the Second Ray are Christ, Koot Humi, and Djwhal Khul. The color of this, the second of the seven rays, is Blue, and the concept is that of love and wisdom. The astrological signs are Leo and Virgo...
To begin understanding what to expect, we have to go back to theEquinoxon March 19th-20th, which is the moment the Sun enters Aries. This signifies the start of the astrological year and is the first wave of fresh energy for new beginnings. ...
The new Moon in Pisces marks the final new Moon of the astrological year. It allows us to find closure from the past. It also opens the doorway to an expanded consciousness, one that can feel the future we are about to live. When is the New Moon in March 2024?
A 19th-century depiction of the solar system, including the Sun, Venus, Saturn, and Earth’s Moon, each of which fall under the spell of the astrological sign of Pisces this week. (Photo: mikroman6 | Getty ) Your Invitation It’s a romantic week. A dreamy week. A week of imagination...