Every single day has a rich history attached to it. Finding out what happened every single day in History is quite exciting. Some days saw wars while others saw people signing peace treaties. These events help us piece together and understand how we got here so let us see what happened on...
Fourteen-year-old Infante Alfonso was killed by a gun while in a bedroom with his elder brother, the future King Juan Carlos I of Spain. What happened in that bedroom, who pulled the trigger, and whether or not it was an accident is still unclear. Unofficial Royalty: Infante Alfonso of ...
“Don’t fight with what you’re fighting for“was written at his home in Melbourne over a year ago, and recorded later in Johanna, Victoria. The song serves as a comment, but also a reminder, that positive change has to first come from yourself. Hold yourself accountable before you do ...
FeaturedMarch 31, 2024 “I’m not afraid to say I was really, really offended by the article that came out,” Collen said. “And I didn’t read any of it. … Don’t know what happened. Didn’t read the article. But nothing is withering in Waco. … And we’re going to do it...
Available from 13th March 2022 on Itunes, Spotify and all other Listening Platforms. Click Here to be taken to Apple Musics Listening Page On Friday 4th March 2022, Roger Waters took to the National Politics websiteBrave New Europeabout the ongoing situation between Russia and Ukraine. Normally...
and Julian is not about to go quietly into death. He’s determined to find out what happened and tie up some loose ends before he leaves. Left with no choice, Yadriel agrees to help Julian, so that they can both get what they want. But the longer Yadriel spends with Julian, the le...
Wed 13th Mar 2019 Metroid GameCube Metroid Prime Nintendo Videos 72 News Australian Ratings Board Suggests A Multi-Platform 'Castlevania Anniversary Collection' Is On The Way What is it? And is Switch included? Video game ratings board Australian Classification has potentially spilt the beans on a...
Well, now I know what I’m going to be listening to again during my self isolation. 10:55am Also on Twitter Checked in at The Hartington. Last chance for some tunes? 12:05am Also on Swarm Friday, March 13th, 2020Replying to a tweet from @rem Here’s a list of resources I put...
March 31, 2020 by rontrembathiii 3 Comments Hello Folks! And for those who still my care what day of the week it is, Happy Monday! Today we have a very special guest that is sure to help you all take the edge off just a bit. Today we have the brilliant filmmaker and performer ...
Coronavirus,UncategorizedMarch 31, 2020 Most coronavirus statistics are depressing – but not all We are currently 13th out of 196 nations on the current virus rate count. Murdoch media’s Andrew Bolt claims we are winners and should go back to work. He’s allowed to spread dangerous fake new...