Recognizing the call to fulfill God's great commission in proclaiming the last message of hope to a dying world,
Babylon is Not the Seventh-Day Adventist ChurchFrank KlinSep 22, 20118636 Private Independence and the General ConferenceGary HullquistFeb 28, 20117745 A Response to David Asscherick on the TrinityAdrian EbensDec 25, 201020986 Reply to Glyn ParfittBobby BJul 13, 20106674 ...
Maranatha media is focued on discussion related to foundation and development of the Seventh-day Adventist movement that began in 1844 and builds on the central themes of the Third Angel's Message in the context of the 1888 message of righteousness by faith. Policy We encourage constructive comme...
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is still the remnant church of God although in apostasy because of the worship of the Trinity and the rejection of the 1888 message of righteousness by faith. God’s people are to confess the sins of its people and plead for its leaders to repent of its ...
Articles, books and presentations vital Scripture truths . Also includes a study collection of books, studies and resources for Bible study
Printed monthly for the Min isterial Association of Seventhday Adventists by the Review and Herald Publishing Asso ciation, 6856 Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20012, USA $9.95 a year; 85c a copy. Price may vary where national currencies are different. For eachDT GISHM BALDWIN...
Like all other Protestant churches from which they came, the Adventists long accepted the prevailing notion that all things old and Jewish came to an end at the death of Jesus. For all the other Protestants that meant the seventh day Sabbath as well. Not so, said the Adventists, newly ...
Because Chronos had erected himself from the very beginning and God would teach us through the six days but on the seventh day there's no more, there is no more focus because the night is coming when no man can work. So many things to think about, so many things. So I pray that ...
Let us take courage that the seeds planted in our souls will manifest and grow for a harvest 1260 days from now in the seventh year. Wait for it - though it tarry it will surely come. The husbandman waits patiently for the harvest. We note with great interest the two key Spi...