SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis When linking tables MARA & MARC together does it make a difference in performance which table you use for the inner join MARA or MARC? SELECT a~matnr a~werks a~maabc a~mmsta b~matkl b~mstav b~mstae INTO TABLE gt_parnt FROM marc AS a...
MARC-MATNR 物料号 AUSME 发货单位(工厂、存储1视图) MARC-TRAME在途库存 MARC-UMLMC 中转库存 MARC-LGPRO生产仓储地点(发货地点) MARC-LGFSB采购仓储地点 MARC-EKGRP 采购组 MARC-LVORM 在工厂级标记要删除的物料 MARC-DISPO MRP控制者 MARC-FEVOR 生产管理员(装配、机加) BESKZ 采购类型(E/F) MARC-SOBS...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity Hi experts, I am doing Data migration for material master. I am using standard LSMW for migrating this which has the structures of all tables. Now i have added few Z fields (append structure/CI include) added to the tables MARA and MARC. Is it po...
Solved: Hiya, I'm trying joins out rather than looping through internal tables (yes I know I'm an ABAP dinosaur). Anyway I'm trying to join MARA, MARC, MAKT, MLAN. Where
DECLARATIONS * *** TABLES: BAPIMATHEAD, "Headerdata BAPI_MARA, "Clientdata BAPI_MARAX, "Clientdatax BAPI_MARC, "Plantdata BAPI_MARCX, "Plantdatax BAPI_MAKT, "Material description BAPIRET2. "Return messages DATA:V_FILE TYPE STRING. DATA: BEGIN OF LSMW_MATERIAL_MASTER, MATNR(018) TYPE ...