Description: Parameter 0 of constructor in com.adong.xx.service.UserService required a bean of type 'com.adong.xx.mapstruct.UserMapper' that could not be found. Action: Consider defining a bean of type 'com.adong.xx.mapstruct.UserMapper' in your configuration. 网上搜索说是没有写注解,工程...
*** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *** Description: Field userAndEmployeeMapper in org.service.impl.LoginServiceImpl required a bean of type 'org.mapper.UserAndEmployeeMapper' that could not be found. Action: Consider defining a bean of type 'org.mapper.UserAndEmployeeMapper' in your configuration...
of type '' that could not be found. ...
归根结底,是由于扫描包的路径不一样 。 kintech-crm的扫描路径是:com.kintech.crm。 而api模块的路径是。 这才导致没有扫描到。 5 解决方案 目前我想到的3个 ① 由于我的模块名称高度相似,所以每个模块的启动项Application从原来的,移到com.kintech下,这样启动Application时,会从...
我正在尝试启动一个springboot应用程序。但当它启动时,我收到一条错误消息:APPLICATION FAILED TO START Parameter 1 of constructor in spring_boot.controller.RekeningController required a bean of type 'spring_boot.mappers.RekeningMapper' that could not be 浏览1提问于2020-09-04得票数 0 ...
Expected behavior Hi, i have a strange problem with mapstruct and springboot 3, when i try to compile the native application. Actual behavior I get this error: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find implementation for [...
It would be very helpful for us if you could let us know if this is considered a bug or not. Looking forward to your feedback! Here is an example: Source POJO: package example.model.source; import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Data; @Data @Builder public class Car { private String mod...
At 6, there are 2 qualifying methods (ProgramtoString) found. It could be an error in MapStruct that it selects methods that do not qualify (it should be checked whether this is intentional) based on@Named. If not intentional, I will raise an issue. ...
We explicitly map toOff.It would be inconvenient to map these if there are many such values. We may miss mapping a few values. That is whereANY_REMAININGhelps. Let’s define the mapping: @ValueMapping(target = "On", source = "Go")@ValueMapping(target = "Off", source = MappingConstan...