Is it an excuse to overcome resistance to perpetuating ongoing military presences, or a new way of strategically and cynically waging a global war of chess? The image of active duty soldiers settled in bases across what might be called Eurasia reveals an often unmapped constellation of sites of...
Mueller III’s recent indictment charging thirteen Russians of waging information wars during the election. For the Russians who were identified as arriving from 2014 aimed to splinter existing political divides by fostering increased dissensus and distrust in the political system in the “purple” stat...
Less than 24 hours after a report surfaced revealing Scott Forstall began serving as an advisor toSnapchatlast year, the former iOS chief has announced via hisTwitteraccount an unrelated project: a Broadway musical. with four more videos, featuring Phone Calls, Siri interactions, Maps navigation ...
The Biden administration, one might almost sense, had been waging their own war games in Ukraine against Russia–never mind that they were the active aggressors–that the American architects of the war sought to keep hidden from the American people. The military maps leaked demand some attention...