These interactions at the plate boundaries result in various geological phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the creation of mountain ranges and oceanic trenches. Plate Boundary Types Plate boundaries are the edges where two tectonic plates meet, and their interactions can cause various ge...
What Happens to Google Maps When Tectonic Plates Move?George Musser
The oceans and seas are colored in 15° x 15° blocks, making it very easy to see latitude and longitude across the entire map. Sea beds and plate tectonic boundaries and movements are also shown. The map uses the Robinson Projection, a modified cylindrical equal area projection that repr...
Learn how to map vortexes in your own area, based on their common size, shape, behavior of animals, plant growth, etc., and how to measure and document the phenomena for further research. Topics: vortex, map, Vortex Field Guide, earth, geometry, megalith, pyramid, time travel, alignment...
Invasive Mussel Species, USA 1998-2013 Kayaking the Sea of Tranquility Location Intelligence for Ports The Longitude Prize of 1714 Maritime Community Building(with the International Hydrographic Organization, IHO) Motion of Tectonic Plates National GIS for Statistics(including Maritime, NOAA’s Electronic ...
The relative motions of three major tectonic plates (Arabian, Eurasian, and African) and one smaller tectonic block (Anatolian) are responsible for the seismicity in Turkey. The geologic development of the region is a consequence of several first-order plate boundary interactions between these plates...