⑦Choose walking, driving, or transit (where available) directions. Alternately, get directions using Siri or the Maps app and leave your iPhone tucked away: Enable Siri by lifting the watch and saying, “Hey Siri,” or press and hold the Digital Crown and say something like, “Take me to...
Local search has become a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a neighborhood café or a fast-growing service provider, showing up in the right place at the right time can make all the difference. With more people searching for products and services “near me,” there...
Even though DuckDuckGo Maps is built on Apple's restrictive API, it's a commendable effort to create a free mapping tool that provides both localized results on a map and directions for driving and walking. Apple will hopefully improve and expand the API over time, which will mean more featu...
Likewise, Waze said driving to our London office would be a 45-mile trip taking 1 hour and 12 minutes. Google Maps sent me on a 46 mile journey that was two minutes longer. The downside to Waze’s system is that it’s reliant on other active users on the road. So if you’re the...
maps, mapping, and spatial perspectives A nostalgic farewell to Directions Magazine Posted onApril 10, 2024|Leave a comment Back when I started my formal career in the geospatial sciences in the late 1990s, I remember learning aboutDirections Magazineas THE place where I could go for comprehensiv...
10 closest places to the geocoded result (by driving distance, using DistanceMatrix) 10 closest places to the geocoded result, sorted by driving distance from the DistanceMatrix 3 closest places to the geocoded result with directions from the geocoded location to the location ...
A Leaflet trajectory playback plugin that automatically rotates the marker icon based on the actual direction of travel and dynamically adjusts the colors of the traveled and untraveled distances to clearly indicate the current progress. It also supports custom settings such as driving speed, among ...
The “To here” and “From here” driving directions links are pretty self-explanatory, but the “Zoom in” and “Zoom out” navigation links are special. If the map is zoomed out, clicking “Zoom in” will cause the map to iteratively zoom in, one level at a time, on a delay ...
can also take a quick peek and observe different cities with satellite and road-based images. This app has direct competition fromWaze. You can use this application to navigate the world with driving directions. While many GPS apps are available, these two are the most dependable and consistent...
travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING, unitSystem: google.maps.DirectionsUnitSystem.METRIC, provideTripAlternatives: true }; directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) { if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { ...