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Kleinschmidt, D. F., & Jaeger, T. F. (2012). A continuum of phonetic adaptation: Evaluating an incremental belief-updating model of recalibration and selective adaptation. InProceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society(vol. 34, 34). Kleinschmidt, D. F., & Jaeger, T...
Global predictions were produced per GLAD tile (i.e. 11 geographic degree) and on a yearly basis from 2000 to 2022, resulting in annual per-pixel probabilities for each class of grassland at 30 m spatial resolution. In an effort to speed up this process, we did not predict pixels mappe...
National, annual LLIN delivery data from 2000 to 2019 were compiled by the Alliance for Malaria Prevention’s Net Mapping Project (https://netmappingproject.allianceformalariaprevention.com/). No such data are available for cITNs. For cITNs over the full time period and for LLINs in 2020,...
Summary In addition to the broad presence the Warren County GIS program has throughout county government, it also represents the great relationship and guidance county geospatial programs can provide and offer to local governments. Local governments that often have both limited financial and technical ...
76. In summary, ERA5 looks suitable for the estimate of the mean wind speed, despite the large dispersion of ɛ towards both positive and negative values. Conversely, VHR scores the lowest error in the estimation of extreme wind speeds, and it is usually associated to a shorter dispersion ...
In summary, our CMPANet*-S method demonstrated its adaptability and generalization capabilities during extensive validation in two distinct geographic environments. Through comparative analysis with existing methods such as BiT and CMCD, our approach exhibited notable advantages in key metrics including preci...
Dawn Wright joined Esri as Chief Scientist in October 2011, after 17 years as a Professor of Geography and Oceanography at Oregon State University. As Esri Chief Scientist, she is responsible for strengthening the scientific foundation for Esri software and services, while representing Esri to the ...
the land balance model4includes a large amount of unattributed deforestation that could not be explained by crop expansion statistics. Our higher rubber deforestation estimates could help to explain some of this unattributed deforestation. In summary, while the use of extrapolation13,14and model-based...
Table 2. Summary statistics on long-term soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, density and change per biome in South Africa. Values in square parentheses are 5th and 95 percentile values. BiomeArea natural land (km2)SOC stock (Pg C)SOC density (kg C m−2)Net SOC change (%)Net SOC chang...