L.mapquest.textMarker([45,-120], {text:'Coffee Shop',subtext:'Iconic coffeehouse chain',position:'right',type:'marker',icon: {primaryColor:'#333333',secondaryColor:'#333333',size:'sm'}}).addTo(map); Parameters Request ParameterDescriptionRequired ...
IntegerThe margin, in pixels, that is used when calculating if markers collide with each other.No, defaults to 2. marker ObjectAn object containing any of the following key value options: icon, iconOptions, and popupEnabled. icon: A string that specifies the type of icon to be rendered. ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 marker = L.marker([45, -120], { draggable: true }) .addTo(map) .on('dragend', function(e){ console.log(e.target._latlng); }); 收藏分享票数1 EN 页面原文内容由Stack Overflow提供。腾讯云小微IT领域专用引擎提供翻译支持 原文链接: https://stackoverflow.com/questi...
addMarker(markerOptions); mPoiFields.put(mSearchResultMarker, poiFields); // mMapboxMap.selectMarker(mSearchResultMarker); // **IF I use selectMarker it shows just the address on the window and not my custom window. I want to show my custom info window here as selectMarker doesn't cl...
:earth_asia: Create a Bing, Google, Mapbox, HERE, CartoDB, or MapQuest static map - katydecorah/staticmapmaker
Switch to “Manage Keys” Click on the button “Create a New Key”: Enter an “App Name” and click on the button “Create”: Copy the “Consumer key” to your clipboard: Login to your WordPress site and head to Maps Marker Pro / Settings / Geocoding / MapQuest and paste this key ...
GMap.NET Windows Forms & Presentation is an excellent open source, powerful, free and cross-platform .NET control. Allows the use of routing, geocoding, directions and maps from Google, Yahoo!, Bing, OpenStreetMap, ArcGIS, Pergo, SigPac, Yendux, Mapy.cz,
GMap.NET Windows Forms & Presentation is an excellent open source, powerful, free and cross-platform .NET control. Allows the use of routing, geocoding, directions and maps from Google, Yahoo!, Bing, OpenStreetMap, ArcGIS, Pergo, SigPac, Yendux, Mapy.cz,
addTo(map); Custom Style Example js let customDirectionsControl = L.mapquest.directionsControl({ routeSummary: { enabled: true, compactResults: true, }, narrativeControl: { enabled: true, compactResults: true, }, directionsLayer: { startMarker: { icon: 'circle', iconOptions: { size:...
25 L.marker(latLng, { icon: customIcon }).addTo(map); 26 } 27 } 28 </script> 29 </head> 30 31 <body style="border: 0; margin: 0;"> 32 <div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 530px;"></div> 33 </body> 34 </html>Try...