Plausibly deniable steganographic encryption of BIP-39 mnemonic seed words with a date shift cipher - Seedshift/mapping_table_unicode_sorted.txt at master · mifunetoshiro/Seedshift
and returns the geometry2D Returns geometry2D g to the geometry protruded as much as the height, using the vector direction v Extracts only the outside surface of geometry g, then returns to geometry Extracts only the inside surface of geometry g, then returns to geometry Returns only the voi...
mifunetoshiro/SeedshiftPublic Notifications Fork13 Star24 Latest commit mifunetoshiro Create mapping_table.txt 75ca357· History History
In addition, it cannot effectively meet the management and containment of IUU in sea areas outside the prohibited fishing area and time limit; (4) Marine ship lights mainly come from fishing boats, oil and gas platforms, and so on, while the proportion of fishing boats and whether lights ...