Since all entities map one-to-one to persistent classes in an object model, columns in turn map to attributes in a one-to-one mapping.Visual Paradigmignores all specialty columns such as computed columns and foreign key columns. Mapping columns Mapping data type Column types are automatically ma...
Proceduredependsonboththedegreeofthebinaryrelationshipsandthecardinalitiesoftherelationships Createarelationforthetwoentitytypesparticipatingintherelationships(step1) includePKoftheentityintheone-sideoftherelationshipasaforeignkeyintherelationofthemanysideoftherelationship ...
, and typedefs (e.g. transitivity, uniqueness, symmetry, cardinalities). Table 1 provides assignments of OBO constructs to appropriate layers in the OBO layer cake. Table 1 Layer cake assignments for OBO constructs Full size table Since we mostly have an exact mapping of layers between the ...