visual perceptionpairwise comparisonimage processingTone mapping operators compress high dynamic range images to improve the picture quality on a digital display when the dynamic range of the display is lower than that of the image. However, tone mapping operators have been largely designed and ...
Visual Perception in Realistic Image Synthesis human visual systemtone mapping operatorsradiance valuesRealism is often a primary goal in computer graphics imagery, and we strive to create images that ... A Mcnamara - 《Computer Graphics Forum》 被引量: 49发表: 2010年 Evaluation of HDR tone-mappi...
Understanding public perception of artificial intelligence (AI) and the tradeoffs between potential risks and benefits is crucial, as these perceptions might shape policy decisions, influence innovation trajectories for successful market strategies, and determine individual and societal acceptance of AI technol...
Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Braddick, O. Visual System: Mapping of motion perception. Nature 320, 680–681 (1986). Download citation Issue Date24 April 1986 DOI Springer Nature Limited Share th...
首先,在过去十年的SLAM发展中,研究本身就产生了基于视觉-惰性测量算法,这种算法目前代表了最先进的水平[163,175]。在这种意义上,视觉-惯性导航(visual-inertial navigation)就是SLAM:VIN可以被看作一个简化版SLAM系统,只不过这个系统的闭环检测(loop closure)或者位置识别(place recongnition)模块没有开启。
Visual mental imagery induces retinotopically organized activation of early visual areas. Event-related analysis revealed that the imagery (greater than either form of attention) retinotopic maps were similar to the perception maps. Moreover, ... SD Slotnick,WL Thompson,SM Kosslyn - 《Cerebral Cor...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging mirrors recovery of visual perception after repetitive tachistoscopic stimulation in patients with partial cortical b... We investigated three patients with partial cortical blindness after brain injury by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) before and...
Mapping the visual brain: how and why Eye (2011) 25, 291–296 & 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0950-222X/11 H Bridge Abstract Over the past 15 years, techniques for identifying visual areas using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in human subjects ...
Visual SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) refers to the problem of using images, as the only source of external information, in order to establis
Visual System: Mapping of motion perceptionNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1038/320680a0BraddickOliverNature Publishing Group UKNatureBraddick, O. (1986). Mapping of motion perception. Nature 320, 680-681.