if的主要作用就是判断字段是否为null或者为""字符串 select * from employee where <if test = "id != null and id != ''"> id = #{id} </if> <if test = "lastName != null and lastName != ''"> and last_name like #{lastName} </if> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ...
<where> <if test="query == 0"> and t.status = 1 </if> <if test="query != 0"> and t.status NOT IN (2,3,4) </if> and t.delete_flag = 1 </where> 方法二:使用choose标签代替if-else。 select * from orcl_test t <where> <choose> <when test="query == 0"> and t.stat...
select * from tbl_employee where <if test="id!=null"> id=#{id} </if> <if test="lastName!=null && lastName!="""> and last_name like #{lastName} </if> <if test="email!=null and email.trim()!="""> and email=#{email} </if> <if test="gender==0 or gender==1"> a...
MybatisMapper中的if-else使用 MybatisMapper中的if-else使⽤⽅法⼀:⼀般⽤法 select * from orcl_test t <where> <if test="query == 0"> and t.status = 1 </if> <if test="query != 0"> and t.status NOT IN (2,3,4) </if> and t.delet...
public class MybatisTestUtil { public static boolean isEmpty(Object o) { if (o == null) { return true; } if (o instanceof String) { return ((String) o).trim().length() == 0; } else if (o instanceof Collection) { http:// return ((Collection) o).isEmpty(); ...
<when test="xxx !=null and xxx != ''"> and xxx like concat(concat('%', #{xxx}), '%') </when> <otherwise> and xxx like '**%' </otherwise> </choose> 下面就是MyBatis中的if...else...表示方法 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <choose> <when test=""> //... </when> <otherwise...
其中choose为一个整体 when是if otherwise是else 范例二: 代码语言:javascript 复制 select<include refid="Base_Column_List"/>from xxx where del_flag=0<choose><when test="xxx !=null and xxx != ''">and xxx likeconcat(concat('%',#{xxx}),'%')</when><otherwise>and xxx like'**%'</other...
如下, 为if语句, 标签为else
public static double doubleValue(Object value) throws NumberFormatException {if (value == null) {return 0.0D;} else {Class c = value.getClass();if (c.getSuperclass() == Number.class) {return ((Number)value).doubleValue();} else if (c == Boolean.class) {return (Boolean)value ? 1....
It's unbelievable there is no a "If..Then..Else" functoid in BizTAlk Mapper, however, you can combine some functoid to archive it if you dislike to write any code.Below is the solution for "If source node exist, Then directly link with distination node, Else set a null to destination...