npm install @maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec CLI Tools If you install this package globally, you will have access to several CLI tools. npm install @maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec --global gl-style-migrate This repo contains scripts for migrating GL styles of any version to the latest versio...
1) 在webgl中, 三角形顶点逆时针为正面, 可以进行面的背面剔除; 2) 在mapbox中,外环按照逆时针方向定义,内环按照顺时针方向定义; 同样遵循着webgl的定义; mapbox/jsonlint-lines-primitives 用于向解析的JSON添加行号注释, 专门用于在验证Mapbox GL样式的JSON文档时提供有用的错误消息。 varjsonlint=require("...
npm install @maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec --global gl-style-migrate This repo contains scripts for migrating GL styles of any version to the latest version (currently v8). Migrate a style like this: $ gl-style-migrate bright-v7.json>bright-v8.json ...
npm install @maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec --global gl-style-migrate This repo contains scripts for migrating GL styles of any version to the latest version (currently v8). Migrate a style like this: $ gl-style-migrate bright-v7.json>bright-v8.json ...
Bumps@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-specfrom 23.0.0 to 23.1.0. Release notes v23.1.0 ✨ Features and improvements Addvertical-alignoption toformatexpression (#832 ✨ Features and improvements Addvertical-alignoption toformatexpression (#832) ...
If all went well, there should now be a./build/bin/mbgl-renderbinary that you can run to generate map tile images. To test that it is working properly, run the following command. ./build/bin/mbgl-render --style
Update style spec references (#1150) 2年前 BUILD.bazel macOS Metal + AppKit app (#2205) 11个月前 Add WebP decoding support to Linux and Windows (#1314) 2年前 CMakeLists.txt Disable psabi warnings (#2400) 10个月前 ...
The bulk of the migration was just a matter of mapping from FSL properties to MapLibre Style Spec properties. Here’s an example from our Line visualization: …and then for each type of FSL primitive, we implemented a function that translates it to the equivalent MapLibre expression. For examp...