An in-depth guide to the Yu Garden dailies: [Lv. 140] [Theme Dungeon] Beasts of Fury Main Rewards: [Medal], [Chair], [Special Potential Scroll], [Bonus Potential Scroll], [Protot...
buy scrolls from people, and if you had done The Fallen Woods Quest, you can buy All Cures, Icicles, Return to NLC Scrolls, and Diamond Arrows. Jane's quests can give you GFA scrolls 60% that you can sell for ten to fifteen million. ...
In Monster Park,certain stages have been improvedand thenew stage Arcanahas been added. The Monster Park ‘Auto Security Area’, ‘Road of Vanishing’, and ‘Dream City Lacheln’sclear experience have been increased. (180m experience for Road of Vanishing, 1.238b experience for Lacheln) The‘...