Legion: Your totalLegionlevel will determine your access to critical bossing stats like IED, Boss Damage, Critical Chance and Critical Damage while also providing insight into theLink Skillsyou might have available as many of these are damage focused. Skill Nodes/Boost Nodes: After you take your ...
Explorer Pirate's Link Skill has a togglable effect where you can swap STR + %STR stats into DEX + %DEX and vice versa, DEX + %DEX into STR + %STR. Double clicking the Link Skill in the Link Skill Manager will turn this effect on/off ...
This is an in-depth guide about MapleStory's Bowmaster job branch. Includes pros/cons, Culvert strategy, 1st through 6th job skill builds, in-depth skill explanations, Link Skills, Legion, preferred Inner Abilities, Hyper Stats, and more. ...
Legion Grid Bonus EXP (+0.25% per block) Combo Orbs (Give 5x monster EXP, can be increased by 400%/650%/900% with Aran Link Skill) Holy Symbol - Bishop [SKILL] (Gives +50% EXP when in range) Decent Holy Symbol [SKILL] (5th Job skill for all classes, does not stack with HS. ...
If you are missing keys at the end of this Afterlands guide walkthrough refer to this list of all keys in order of the locks on the door to determine which steps were missed by clicking the respective link below: Adler’s White Key ...
it was subsequently nerfed multiple times in GMS and MSEA until the spawn enhancement effect was completely removed in 2022. I am unsure about the status of kishin in other regions. link skill is 10% damage which ends up being one of the best-in-slot link skills for mobbing and bossing ...
Resistance branch. It is probably the tankiest of the archer classes and boasts the greatest party buffs out of all the archers, having both Call of the Wild and Sharp Eyes. This guide will cover: training and maps, node setup, bossing, WSE potentials, hyper stats, legion and inner ...