Damage Range: Your fully buffed maximum damage number shown in your character stat window is a quick checkpoint. The ranges here are based on Reboot which are slightly inflated numbers due to the Reboot damage buff per level so normal server players should be able to comfortably fight bosses be...
GMS has frenzy (but it’s unobtainable) and used to have wild/fury totem and kishin (both removed in 2022). GMS Reboot no longer has spawn enhancers as of 2022 TMS has frenzy totem and it’s obtainable Kanna and Kishin originally come from JMS. since I don’t play JMS and don’t ...
Play a class with pricey, valuable equips, if you think like that. The “LUCKY NEWBIES” theory This theory states that green characters, by hourly total, recieve better drops. Get them in your party and they will share their luckiness. The more you play Maple, the worse your drop luck ...
An in-depth guide to the Yu Garden dailies: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/62tld2/guide_for_yu_garden_dailies_reboot_daily_epic_pot/ [Lv. 140] [Theme Dungeon] Beasts of Fury Main Rewards: [Medal], [Chair], [Special Potential Scroll], [Bonus Potential Scroll], [Protot...
The first patch of the summer update,Maple LIVE, features a bunch of improvements to things like the guild system, daily quests, and Reboot world. As mentioned in the video released last week, for this summer’s event, they focused on lowering the necessity of coin capping by moving a lot...