While I actually enjoy it being so easy to level, I have felt it was way too easy since BB. While playing somewhat casually, I can get a character to lv100 in less than a week. Of course that it quite a contrast from old Maple, where it took you a few months to get a lv30 ...
Example below connecting a pirate piece to the starting piece. The piece in red is not in an acceptable position because it does not touch another piece. The shape of a character placed into the grid is based on the job type (archer/thief/etc) and rank. The table below was taken from...
Afterlands is unlocked at character level 75 and if you are wondering how to get to Afterlands, it is accessible via the lightbulb icon on the left of the MapleStory UI screen. The opening quest is called “A Call For Help” and players are transported to the starting quest area after ...
This is a comprehensive, in-depth guide about the Tower of Oz (aka the SEED in other regions). This guide walks you through the story of Oz, the rewards, the skill rings, and the critical pieces of information that will help you get through to Floor 50!
used to be able to get up to rougly 17 totems per month: 15 from reward points, 2 from daily gifts. occasionally events will give out more. fury totem this is what wild totem used to be called. the transition to fury totem was supposed to lower its spawn rate but it ended up roudin...
Hired Merchants are useful if you are going to get grounded, you have an unstable Internet that is weak, you're going on a holiday, or you don't have access to MapleStory often.You can get it for around 1,000 NX per day and you can buy more than 1 at a time. ...
Double-click it to receive a free character slot!This item can only be received once per world in an account.This item expires in 7 days if you don’t use it.The item will have no effect if you have already reached the maximum number of character slots (18) in the current world.2x...
When you create a character, you will receive a Mysterious Secret Boxwhich can be used for 30 days to receive aSnail pet. Link Skill Reorganization Thedaily Link Skill transfer limit has been increased from 2 to 4. You can alsopay an additional cost to transfer them up to 10 times. ...