Quests found here are typically Job Advancements, class storylines, Theme Dungeons, and content pre-quests. As well, most areas can be returned to via the Dimensional Mirror or Maple Guide Filtering the quests by clicking the "My Level Range" button on the bottom right is recommended. As ...
But just like at any exclusive club along Marina Bay, getting past the bouncer Lakelis to begin your quest was a challenge. Gaining entry was basically a game of “fastest fingers first”, where we’d have to fire a barrage of “left click + enter” combos at Lakelis just so we didn...
“After accepting the quest, players are teleported to various scenarios where they attempt to save the Old Man. However, these efforts are futile, leading to the demise of players. Waking up in the Afterlands location players are meet by Ashkaya who serves as the guide for your adventure ...
The basics of playing Wild Hunter. Mainly aimed towards those who want to main the class and plan on taking it into 5th job and beyond.
Through this blog, you will get to know about the best spots to train. Not only this, but also will know about the quest by level range. This will help you level up quickly and open more link skills. The fastest method to level up at the beginning is to go through the three startin...