It sheds large branches from the top, then resprouts along the truck. Every time the wind blows large branches fall from the top of the tree, making me very nervous about my roof. It makes a LOT of seedlings. I spend way too much time every spring and summer in an attempt to hand ...
Q: I have a silver maple tree in my backyard that’s over 50 years old, and during the last five years small branches are dying. I’ve heard that maples need a specific fertilizer, as they can’t access all the nutrients in the soil. Please advise if this is so, and what is reco...
Just as the Beginner arrived at the Maple Tree, a glowing maple leaf fell from the branches into the Beginner's hands. As the light faded, the Beginner wondered whether they had merely imagined it, though they decided to keep the leaf, as it felt special to them. Just then, Sugar notic...
If you have a sick or dying tree, Yes! Trees is here to help you heal or remove it. Call us today in Maple Grove, MN, to schedule an appointment.
Verticillium wilt is a fungus that lives indefinitely in the soil. Fungal spores enter maple trees through wounds on branches, trunks or roots. Once fungal spores enter the maple tree, they produce toxins that invade the water connecting tissues. These toxins move through the plant through the ...
How to Care for a Dying Japanese Maple Tree 1. Put on Safety Gear Put on gloves and safety goggles. Also, clean pruning equipment before and after use to prevent fungus, bacteria and insect eggs from being transmitted from a sick tree to a healthy one. Simply wipe the blades with a sof...
I did not know that the Sugar Maple tree are dying out, I find it surprising that this is caused by a worm. Growing up I was always under the impression that worms were good for plants, that they provided a sort of fertilizer for them. I suppose that these worms would not naturally ...
I'm not an arborist, but I am a maple syrup producer in NY. When the bark is coming off of a tree, and there are woodpecker holes, along with dying limbs, it usually means the tree is dying. Call your local Cooperative Extension office (your county office will have their number), ...
Beyond the physical damage, the beetles carry ambrosia fungus, which may infect the interior of the tree. These holes also leave the tree open to other diseases. Infested plants may have yellow or wilted leaves, dying branches, and stunted growth. Young trees may die. ...
Dying Maple Tree Need Evaluated for Hazard PotentialQ * I have a very old maple that is starting to lose huge chunksof bark and is discolored...Chip TynanMissouri Botanical Garden