Learn about Ontario maple syrup, products and festivals. and search for maple vendors across the province.
Maple syrup is graded and then sold in classes from Ontario producers. Each class has a unique flavour and colour profile. Consumers choose depending on their personal preference or the intended use for the syrup. A darker class will add more flavour for baking or recipes, while a lighter one...
“Ontario produces some of the highest-quality maple syrup in the world and we are lucky to have many of those producers right here in Parry Sound,” said Norm Miller, MPP for Parry Sound-Muskoka. “As we prepare for the holiday season, remember that locally produced maple syrup not only ...
The Lanark and District Maple Syrup Producers Association (LDMSPA) is a group over 90 maple syrup producers located in the Lanark County, Frontenac County, Leeds and Grenville County, and Ottawa-Carleton areas of Eastern Ontario. We are one of 11 locals who make up the membership of the Onta...
McCutcheon's Maple Syrup is a family run farm, located in the picturesque hills of Oro-Medonte Township, 125km north of Toronto, Ontario.
Many producers throughout the regionoffer free samples of fresh maple syrupand confections. Enjoy pancake breakfasts, sugarbush trails, sugar making demonstrations, taffy on snow, horse-drawn sleigh rides, and more. Hosted by theOntario Maple Syrup Producers’ Association, there are a number of lo...
The Sweetest Ontario Maple Getaway Offers FIND A MAPLE VACATION If you’re looking to buy Ontario maple syrup>>these producers offer online ordering and shipping<<
Maple syrup is an important non-timber forest product derived from the sap of the sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall). However, maple syrup producers are
Maple syrup is an important non-timber forest product derived from the sap of the sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall). However, maple syrup producers are facing a diversity of challenges, including: potential range shifts in the maple resource; increasing variability in the timing, duration and...
Running March 1 to April 7, Tap into Maple is an opportunity to visit the region’s maple syrup producers, enjoy special maple-themed experiences, and indulge in local maple-inspired cuisine. This year’s program truly showcases the deep roots of maple in our region with 18 participating ...