Maple Leaf Farms prides itself on producing safe, high-quality foods in a thoughtful and responsible manner. Through the years, we have preserved the ideas we were founded upon: contribution to local communities, responsibility for the environment, respect for others and insistence on high quality....
Through extensive studies and research testing, Maple Leaf Farms has developed INDUX, a robust premier integrated duck production system designed to optimize the genetic potential of ducks under the safest and most natural conditions possible.
In our process, the parent birds on our breeder farms lay eggs that are brought to our hatchery and incubated in a safe environment. Once hatched, our baby ducks move to our family farms in Northern Indiana where they are raised in a free to roam, cage-free environment. Ducks are NEVER...
企业注册号: 218238 成立日期: 1971-09-20 企查查编码: QUSPK20RTA 办公地址: - 基本信息 企业注册号 218238 企业名称 MAPLE LEAF FARMS, INC. 企业状态 ACTIVE 成立日期 1971-09-20 企业类型 - 注册地 PENNSYLVANIA(宾夕法尼亚州) 管辖区域 PA
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美国善待动物组织(PETA)上周发布一段调查影片,揭露美国最大鸭肉生产商Maple Leaf Farms的养殖场虽然声称人道养殖,却有连串残忍行为,包括将活生生的初生小鸭倒入绞肉机绞成肉泥。 动物组织暗访调查的影片显示,工场工人将孵化仅1天的小鸭放至输送带分类,再运往巨大的棚舍,几个月后在牠们清醒情况下,用绞肉机绞成肉...
通过广泛的调查研究和严格的测试检验,枫叶鸭业有限公司首创 INDUX—— 鸭的综合管理系统。此系统是在最安全、天然的条件下,充分发挥鸭子的基因潜力,在保证鸭子健康成长和加强对环境保护的同时,达到降低企业生产成本、增加市场价值的长期效果。
Maple Leaf Farms farm-raised White Pekin duck has a delicious, red meat flavor that’s more similar to steak than to chicken or turkey, and substitutes equally well for both in recipes. Plus, duck is surprisinglyhealthy! By properly cooking duck, you can eliminate 70% of the fat, and duc...
Maple Leaf Farms 3.4星,满分5星。3.4 133 条点评 快照 为什么加入我们 133 点评 薪资 招聘 常见问题解答 面试 职位名称 不限 地点 不限 按类别评分 清空 3.0工作-生活平衡 3.7薪资与福利 3.2职位安全与晋升 2.9管理方式 3.1企业文化 搜索评价 搜索
About Maple Leaf Farms: Maple Leaf Farms, Inc. is America’s leading producer of quality duck products, supplying retail and foodservice markets throughout the world with innovative, value-added foods. Founded in 1958, Maple Leaf Farms is a fourth generation, family-owned company. For more inf...