Example: Plotting Multiple Plot Structures Together Example: Plotting Multiple 3-D Plots Theplots:-displaycommand also works on 3-D plots: plot3≔plot3dsinx⋅y,x=−2⋅Pi..2⋅Pi,y=−5..5: plot4≔plot3dy,x=−2⋅Pi..2⋅Pi&co...
display_set :={ed , et , op(display_set)}; #将ed 和et 加到display set 中 od ; plots[display] (display_set, view =[-abs(scope)..abs(scope), -abs(scope)..abs(scope)], scaling =constrained,axes=none,size=[350,350]); end : 输入顶点的位置和图像坐标范围大小(因为暗含坐标系) geo...
Maple commands from Creating Plots: Interactive Plot Builder Example 1 - Display a plot of a single variable expression > plotsinxx,x=−2π..2π Example 2 - Display a plot of multiple expressions in 1 variable To display multiple expressions in a pl...
setcolors setoptions setoptions3d shadebetween spacecurve sparsematrixplot surfdata textplot textplot3d tubeplot • To display the help page for a particularplotscommand, seeGetting Help with a Command in a Package. Download Help Document
Maple画图提示错误 运行的语句如下:>with (plottools,line):with (plots):#调用软件包F:=proc (t)plots [display](line ([cos (t)-2,0],[cos (t)-2,sin(t)],color=black),#画正弦线line ([-2,0],[cos (t)-2,sin(t)],color=blue),line ([cos(t)-
I would like to save the output of a plot structure (resulting graph) or a combination of multiple plots (using display[list]) into a PNG or postscript file from within a procedure. I have managed to successfully save a plot in one of the graphics format using this approach (Pseudo-Code...
第6章 在Maple中作图 6 -- 1 第6章 Maple 中作图 6.1 二维函数作图命令plot 6.1.1 二维函数作图 用plot 命令可以画出一元函数在指定区间上的二维函数图形。其用法有 plot (函数,变量名)plot (函数,范围,选项)范围和选项均可省略,缺省时系统自动选取最佳设置。最简单的plot 语句为 plot(f(x...
The panel contains a control to toggle on or off the additional display of the relevant plotting command and its options choices. • Multiple interactive plots can exist separately within a worksheet, with independent control settings. • ...
beginthirdplot创建自己的颜色图绘制填充的矢量而不是连矢量根据温度标量场来为矢量着色改变地图投影将土地填充为灰色隐蔽掉在陆地上的网格细化矢量在图的底部绘制一个labelbar Exmaple6——vector plots over maps 该示例从netCDF文件中读取数据,并且展示如何在各种地图投影上重复展示矢量图,如何细化矢量数据,如何增加图...
Exmaple2——contour plots 这个示例展示如何从netCDF文件中读取数据,如何改变地图的颜色,如何创建和绘制等值线,如何打印变量,如何将数据写入到ASCII文件。 这个例子读取netCDF文件,并且用3个不同的数据的绘制了5条等值线图,为每个等值线图获得不同的类型设置了resources。这个示例同样从netCDF向ASCII文件写入数据。