What Is MapleStory M? A WORLD UNLIKE ANY OTHER Welcome to MapleStory, the original side-scrolling MMORPG where epic adventure, action and good friends await you. With hundreds of hours of gameplay, this immersive role-playing experience will allow you to unleash your wild side as you create...
Return to the fantasy world of MapleStory – download MapleStory M today!■ Support & CommunityAre you having problems? Contact our 1:1 Support in-game or send us an inquiry athelp_MapleStoryM@nexon.com[For the best gaming experience, MapleStory M requires OS 5.0, CPU dual-core and RAM...
Maple Guide 的 Grandis 部分已针对每个关卡里程碑进行了更新。以下Boss 战斗的入门级别已降低:Chosen Seren(普通、困难、极限)入门级别从 Lv.1 降低。265级至Lv. 260守护者卡洛斯(混沌)入门等级从 Lv.1 降低。270 至 Lv. 265 6楼2023-11-16 11:48 回复 Maple大王 吧主 14 以下任务的完成经验奖励已更新...
CMS - China MapleStory apparently the official chinese name is “Adventure Island Online”. I don’t know much about this region. some major balance critical difference that I heard about are a lower damage cap than other regions that can be unlocked by spending money and 6 ring slots CMS ...
• Arcade Adventure Will Arrive in MapleStory M On March 6 2019-03-01 09:08:22 • Maplers, The Halloween Event Is Coming, Grab Your Weapons and Hunt Ghouls in The Maple World 2018-10-31 09:02:31 • Selling Equipment Obtained from Elite Dungeons Walkthrough in MapleStory M 2018-...
Maplestory M is an amazing short adventure. When you build up x amount of characters to 100 and enjoy each of their great array of abilities, it has you asking now what?! The content afterward is lacking any thrill, or substantial reward, especially for free to play players. The dungeons...
冒险穿过这个独特的岛屿,深入Iden Aqua Adventure 的水域,升级Identisk Gift技能统计数据以变得更强,并访问Sunlight Coin Shop和Wind Coin Shop以获得丰富的特殊奖励!在New Age中发现这一切以及更多内容~ 老实人丶Me 11-20 40 (10.4-11.14) v.245 - 午夜嘉年华 - 鹦鹉螺补丁说明 Maple大王 冒险岛世界即将...
First released in North America in 2005, MapleStory has experienced memorable in-game events, over 274 million created characters, and still is the World’s Largest Online Adventure. Lanzado por primera vez en Norteamérica en 2005, MapleStory ha experimentado eventos de juego memorables, ha ...
冒险穿过这个独特的岛屿,深入Iden Aqua Adventure 的水域,升级Identisk Gift技能统计数据以变得更强,并访问Sunlight Coin Shop和Wind Coin Shop以获得丰富的特殊奖励!在New Age中发现这一切以及更多内容~ 老实人丶Me 11-20 40 (10.4-11.14) v.245 - 午夜嘉年华 - 鹦鹉螺补丁说明 Maple大王 冒险岛世界即将...
冒险穿过这个独特的岛屿,深入Iden Aqua Adventure 的水域,升级Identisk Gift技能统计数据以变得更强,并访问Sunlight Coin Shop和Wind Coin Shop以获得丰富的特殊奖励!在New Age中发现这一切以及更多内容~ 送TA礼物 1楼2023-11-16 11:41回复 Maple大王 吧主 14 第6 份转职UTC 时间 11 月 29 日凌晨 12:00...