npm i acres-mapbox-utils yarn add acres-mapbox-utils Usage General Geojson Functions geoCompletelyContains Return if a Geometry completely contains another or not. Takes two params; containers: The container that we are checking if it completely contains the second argument and check: The Geometry...
npm i acres-mapbox-utils yarn add acres-mapbox-utils Usage General Geojson Functions geoCompletelyContains Return if a Geometry completely contains another or not. Takes two params;containers: The container that we are checking if it completely contains the second argument andcheck: The Geometry ...
Map-GL-Utils (formerly Mapbox-GL-Utils) adds a number of utility functions and syntactic sugar to a Mapbox GL JS or Maplibre GL JS map instance. If you write a lot of interactive map code, you may appreciate the more concise form, and simpler API. Full documentation:
isEmpty(osVersion) || TextUtils.isEmpty(osArch)) { return Constants.HEADER_USER_AGENT; } else { return getHeaderUserAgent(clientAppName, osName, osVersion, osArch); } } 代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java @Test public void getHeaderUserAgent_formatsStringCorrectly() throws Exception {... ColorUtils silentUnwrap() toValue() unwrap() unwrapToAny() unwrapToExpression() unwrapToStyleTransition() unwrapToTyped() com.mapbox.maps.module com.mapbox.maps.module.telemetry com.mapbox.maps.plugin ... ColorUtils silentUnwrap toValue unwrap unwrapToAny unwrapToExpression unwrapToStyleTransition unwrapToTyped com.mapbox.maps.loader com.mapbox.maps.module com.mapbox.maps.module.telemetry com.mapbox.maps.plugin com.mapbox.maps.plugin.animation ... ColorUtils silentUnwrap() toValue unwrap() unwrapToAny() unwrapToExpression() unwrapToStyleTransition() unwrapToTyped() com.mapbox.maps.module com.mapbox.maps.module.telemetry com.mapbox.maps.plugin co...