1. 加载两个 building 图层,数据类型都选择 Line,获得轮廓线。 2. 第一个图层基本保持默认即可。 3. 第二个图层,先用纯色做实验,设置 width 的二分之一进行 offset,嗯,效果不错的样子。 第一个障碍: Line Pattern Mapbox 默认的线展示方法只能是纯色的,但可以用 pattern 来填充,既然刚才用纯色测试能够找出...
type:'line', icon:'./static/assets/dike.png', popup:true, messageBox:true, paint: { 'line-opacity': 1, // 'line-color': 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)', 'line-width':8, 'line-pattern':'dike' }, layout: { visibility: 'visible', }, } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ...
line-emissive-strength line-gap-width line-gradient line-join line-miter-limit line-occlusion-opacity line-offset line-opacity line-pattern line-round-limit line-sort-key line-translate line-translate-anchor line-trim-color line-trim-fade-range line-trim-offset line-width line-z-offset visibility...
当有layer 使用了 background-pattern、fill-pattern、line-pattern、fill-extrusion-pattern、icon-image 等属性时,sprite 必填。 "sprite": "mapbox://sprites/mapbox/bright-v8" 当指定了sprite后,mapbox会自动生成雪碧图的完整请求地址,分别如下: `${sprite}.png` `${sprite}.json` 如果浏览器进行了缩放,...
1、Error {message: 'Unimplemented type: 4'} 问题:Error {message: 'Unimplemented type: 4'} 原因:无法加载文字标注,字体没有引入进来 2、本地化时: 当layer 使用了 background-pattern、fill-pattern、line-pattern、fill-extrusion-pattern、icon-image 等属性时,sprite 必填 ...
当有图层使用了background-pattern、fill-pattern、line-pattern、或icon-image属性时,此属性必须设置。 "sprite":"mapbox://sprites/mapbox/bright-v8" glyphs 可选string. 获取以有向距离场编码的 PBF 字形文件的 URL 模板。URL 必须包含{fontstack}和{range}占位符。当有图层使用了text-field布局属性时,此...
Compare your style in the new version of the build, is the new behavior of lines usingline-patterndesired for your case? If not: Look whether any of your image pattern is clipped (any case where the width of the line is smaller than the pattern attached to it) ...
(可选,默认值为 [0, 0]。如果设置了 line-pattern,则 line-dasharray 将无效) "line-gradient": "#000000", // 线的渐变色(可选。如果设置了 line-pattern 或 line-dasharray,则 line-gradient 将无效。只有数据源 source 的 type 为 geojson ,且 source 的 lineMetrics 为 true 时,line-gradient 才...
I need to use line-dasharray property, and noticed that its been disabled by line-pattern. So I'm trying to use line-pattern, and can see that its type is String?, but there is no information or examples regarding how we should use this. Can you please share some examples regarding ...