"icon-size": ["case", ["has", "point_count"], 0.5, 0.3], "icon-image": [ "case", ["has", "point_count"], "greenMarker", ["get", "type"], ], "text-field": ["get", "point_count_abbreviated"], "text-offset": [0.5, -0.1], "text-size": 20, "icon...
"icon-image":[ "match",["string",["get","marker-number"]], "one", "pin-red", "two", "pin-blue", "three", "pin-green", "pin-white" ], "icon-size":1 } Get started with Mapbox GL JS expressions Make a heatmap with Mapbox GL JS ...
'icon-size': 1 // 初始图标大小,可以根据需要调整 } }); 接下来,你可以通过修改图标的样式来改变图标的大小。可以使用map.setLayoutProperty方法来实现。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 map.setLayoutProperty('marker', 'icon-size', 2); // 将图标大小设置为2倍 如果你想根据数据动态改变图标的大小,可以在代码...
layout: {"icon-image": ["get", "icon"],"icon-ignore-placement":true,"icon-allow-overlap":true,"icon-size": 0.7,"icon-offset": [-1, -1],"text-field": ["get", "name"],"text-size": 13,"text-offset": [0, 0],"text-anchor": "top","text-allow-overlap":true} });...
'icon-image': pictrueId, 'icon-size': 10, 'visibility': 'visible', 'icon-allow-overlap': true, // 是否允许图片重叠(可选,默认值为 false }, }); }); }); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ...
"icon-size": 1, // 图标的大小(可选,值 >= 0,默认值为 1。这里实际上是图标对应的原始图片的大小的缩放比例。值为 1 表示图标大小为原始图片的大小) "icon-padding": 2, // 图标的外边距(可选,值 >= 0,默认值为 2。可用于碰撞检测)
Change icon size Ready to get started? Create a free account to start building with Mapbox. Sign Up Additional Developer Resources Mapbox Developer Discord Developer Cheatsheet Mapbox Support Ask AI This example demonstrates how to create a map with custom markers using theMapbox Maps SDK for ...
四、对于“icon-color”一种常用的筛选方式 "icon-color": ["case", ["boolean", ["feature-state", "hover"],false],"#F89806", ["boolean", ["==", ["get", "state"], 0],false],"#2363F8", ["get", "color"] ], //配合选中效果的图标颜色变化"circle-color": ["case", ...
- icon-image:图标的图片路径。 - icon-size:图标的大小。 - icon-allow-overlap:是否允许图标重叠。 - icon-pixel-size:图标的像素大小。 - icon-ignore-placement:是否忽略图层的位置,即使图层的位置与地图上的位置重合,也会显示在地图上。 - icon-rotation-align:是否将图标旋转到地图的中心位置。 - layout...