"@mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw":"^1.4.1","@mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw-static-mode":"^1.0.1","mapbox-gl-draw-circle":"^1.1.2","mapbox-gl-draw-rectangle-mode":"^1.0.4", api地址: @mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw:https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/blob/main/docs/API.md @mapbox/mapbox...
```js // 创建一个 Mapbox GL JS 地图var map = new Map ( mapOptions ) ; // 创建一个 Draw 控件var draw = new MapboxDraw ( drawOptions ) ; // 将 Draw 控件添加到您的地图map 。addControl (绘制);`` 1. 只画出Mapbox GL JS地图加载之后的作品,所以你必须只绘制互动后地图的’负荷’事...
Earth 2 还利用 Mapbox GL JS 和我们最新的卫星图像以及我们的临时地理编码API来支持用户在 E2 上搜索购买土地。 Earth 2卫星地图和热图视图 而最近 E2 新发布的 Holobuildings 功能则是利用Mapbox mapbox-gl-draw API 在地图上直接绘制多边形顶点,并使用Mapbox fill-extrusion 层类型指定多边形特征的高度和基底高...
show draw polygon area,但是问题在我想取draw后生成的feature的geojson文件,在mapbox官方文档上找到了draw的api链接,在github上,先翻译一遍,然后尝试找出解决方案。 To use Draw // Create a Mapbox GL JS map var map = new Map(mapOptions); // Create a Draw control var draw = new MapboxDraw(drawO...
5 See [API.md](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/blob/master/API.md) for a complete styling reference. 6 7 ### points 8 9 With this style, all Point features are blue and have a black halo when active. 10 No other features are rendered, even if they are present...
首先获取编辑器中当前活动的“拉伸”按钮的位置,然后使用Mapbox Web forCAD中的“Create 拉伸” API来...
前文:Mapboxgl draw 自定义标绘:圆、矩形、自由多边形、上传读取geojson(有的概念可能会接续前文不做解释) 参考链接 自定义MODE例子:https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/blob/main/docs/MODES.md#writing-custom-modes 原有MODE源码:https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/tree/main/src/modes ...
Mapbox-GL-Draw的优势在于它提供了丰富的地图绘制功能,并且与Mapbox地图无缝集成。它可以用于各种应用场景,如地图标注、区域选择、路径规划等。 腾讯云相关产品中,与地图绘制相关的产品是腾讯位置服务(Tencent Location Service),它提供了地图SDK和API,可以实现地图展示、地理编码、逆地理编码等功能。您可以通过以下链接了...
1 # API Reference 2 3 To use Draw 4 5 ```js 6 var Draw = new MapboxDraw({ options }); 7 map.addControl(Draw); 8 ``` 9 10 Draw only works after the map has loaded so it is wise to perform any interactions in the `load` event callback of mapbox-gl: 11 ...
varmapboxgl=require('mapbox-gl');varMapboxDraw=require('@mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw'); When using a CDN <scriptsrc='https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/plugins/mapbox-gl-draw/v1.0.9/mapbox-gl-draw.js'></script> Example setup ...