<scriptsrc="https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/plugins/mapbox-gl-compare/v0.4.0/mapbox-gl-compare.js"></script> <linkrel="stylesheet"href="https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/plugins/mapbox-gl-compare/v0.4.0/mapbox-gl-compare.css"type="text/css"> ...
最后,利用 Mapbox gl-compare 的对应代码,快速展示新老地图对比网页! 最终的效果是下面这个样子的!! 对比超明显的~ 点击链接直接查看: docs.mapbox.com/help/de 在开始前, 我们先要理解地理配准这个概念, 这是将老地图影像加载到最新地图的关键前提。 因为刚开始的老地图图像只是一张图片, 并不具备空间坐标...
•mapbox-gl-compare:使用户可以通过左右滑动来比较两个地图。(案例) •mapbox-gl-controls:添加用于标尺,样式检查器,本地化和样式切换器的控件。 •mapbox-gl-directions:添加=允许用户在地图上绘制行车,步行和骑行路线的控件。(案例) •mapbox-gl-draw:增加了对 Mapbox GL JS 地图上的绘图和编辑功能...
Use mapbox-gl-compare to swipe between and synchronize two maps. Toggle interactions Enable or disable UI handlers on a map. Update a choropleth layer by zoom level Display state or county population depending on zoom level. Update a feature in realtime ...
...Studio 独家可视化神器大放送——以分层设色地图为例 对比轴的效果,请查看:mapbox gl compare 官方代码 图例添加也有现成插件:收藏这个开源小工具,在地图上自由添加图例和动态图表吧...| Mapbox Imapact Tool 现在就开始与 Mapbox 一起构建你的独家地图吧!
mapbox-gl-compare Enables users to compare two maps by swiping left and right. githubView this project codeView example mapbox-gl-controls Adds controls for a ruler, style inspector, localization, and style switcher. githubView this project codeView demo mapbox-gl-directions Adds a control to...
...Studio 独家可视化神器大放送——以分层设色地图为例 对比轴的效果,请查看:mapbox gl compare 官方代码 图例添加也有现成插件:收藏这个开源小工具,在地图上自由添加图例和动态图表吧 1.1K20 可视化流式地理空间数据 Javascript API 1.Leaflet.js:简单,开源,并提供了一个很好的插件库(包括Mapbox JS)。...
Mapbox GL JS v3 enables the Mapbox Standard Style, a new realistic 3D lighting system, building shadows and many other visual enhancements, and an ergonomic API for using a new kind of rich, evolving, configurable map styles and seamless integration with custom data. You can get more informat...
现在需要显示一类带高度的标签,在mapbox-gl的github工程中,发现其中一个分支就是实现这个功能的,可以实现标签的高度统一设置。 选择对应的分支,能够和主分支上的代码进行对比,查看其中源码修改的地方: https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/compare/3993-z-offset ...
This feature allowed users to easily zoom into results data, from national to county and district levels, helping them contextualize broad election trends within their local communities. Users could also compare current results with past elections (2016, 2020, and 2022) to explore emerging trends an...