constcircle={coord:[13.01,51.98],radius:500,fill:'#000000',width:0,};map.addCircle(circle);awaitmap.render();'test/out/099-circle.png'); Output Blue Marble by NASA with text constoptions={width:1200,height:800,tileUrl:'
Zoom to AddressNew CircleEdit CircleRemove CircleEnlarge Map Use this tool to draw a circle by entering its radius along with an address. You can also click a point on the map to place a circle at that spot. You can adjust the placement of the circle by dragging it to a different loca...
// Style the circle that will be added to the map. .withCircleRadius(8.0) .withCircleColor("#ee4e8b") .withCircleStrokeWidth(2.0) .withCircleStrokeColor("#ffffff") // Add the resulting circle to the map. circleAnnotationManager?.create(circleAnnotationOptions) ...
Compute for eachNaNcell of a layer the median (of finites) inside a patch with radius. Optionally, apply median calculations for values that are already finite, the patch radius for these points is given by existing_value_radius. Note that the fill computation is only performed if the fill...
Then, define an area of interest (AOI) by creating a circle with a radius of 1000 meters that is centered on the point shape. Get places = readgeotable("boston_placenames.shp"); flagstaff = geocode("FLAGSTAFF HILL",places); clipperPolygon = aoicircle(flagstaff,1000) clipperPolygon = ...
You can use ArcGISPoint to specify the extent center. Use ArcGISExtentCircle to configure an extent with the following parameter values and set it for the map.Latitude: 40.691242 Longitude: -74.054921 Altitude: 3000 Meters Radius: 10000 Meters Spatial Reference: WGS 84 (WKID 4326)...
public Microsoft.Maui.Maps.Distance Radius { get; } 属性值 Distance 适用于 产品版本 .NET MAUI 8, 9 Preview 在GitHub 上与我们协作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有关详细信息,请参阅参与者指南。 .NET MAUI 反馈 .NET MAUI 是一个开放源代码项目。
circle-pitch-scale circle-radius circle-sort-key circle-stroke-color circle-stroke-opacity circle-stroke-width circle-translate circle-translate-anchor visibility fill-extrusion fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-ground-attenuation fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-ground-radius fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-int...
There is only one coordinate that needs to be defined for this geometry, and it represents the start point on which the geodesic arc is based. It is from this point that the arc is created based on two azimuth values and a radius. By default, the arc is created in a clockwise di...
The default symbol is a simple marker symbol with the following properties: size:15px,color:cyan,style:STYLE_CROSS. <Number> tolerance Required Specify the radius of the snapping circle in pixels. The default value is 15 pixels. Sample: map.enableSnapping(); getBasemap() Returns the name ...