// finds the census tracts sublayer from a parent sublayer of the // MapImageLayer containing various census sublayers let tractsId = 5; let tracksSublayer = layer.allSublayers.find(function(sublayer){ return sublayer.id === tracksId; }); blendMode Property blendMode String Since: Arc...
In some cases, area features such as census tracts, police beats, or parcels make more sense for your analysis than the default fishnet grid. Choose to divide by There are two common approaches to identify hot and cold spots: By count—When you analyze a particular dataset, you often want...
One is that census tracts often extend into water. So placing dots randomly into tracts can lead to people living in lakes and rivers. That’s another reason why New York City was a good test case: If you don’t do it right, you end up with people in the Hudson River. The key ...
Areas are often used for polygonal features such as counties and census tracts. Text: a font specification (size and family) and optionally highlighting (bold, italic) and a foreground color. Text is often used for annotation and labeling (such as names of cities and rivers). Advanced: a ...
Two to ten related numeric attributes with the same unit of measurement Examples: predominant ethnic population per census tract, predominant housing type by census tract and which tracts have the highest and lowest total housing units, language spoken at home by county, predominant type of fuel us...
As you can see, the gray color for the buffer polygon is blocking the intersecting census tracts. The right image shows when the overlay blend mode is applied to the buffer graphics layer. The overlay blend mode darkens or lightens the gray buffer polygon depending on the colors of the ...
Outside the contiguous 48 states NOAA data for estimating the risk of a hazard in the future is aggregated to census tracts, but with resourcefulness users can still make good hazard estimates for a location of interest. To do this the user should consider: ...
When you establish boundaries and a specific country/region for your data locations, you can then choose from a subset of related, standard boundaries, such as census tracts, districts, or municipalities. Various location types are available for each country or region....
For each hazard, you can see expected annual loss at the census tract level, as well as historic natural disaster data for context. The map also identifies some of the most impacted tracts for each hazard. Expected annual loss represents the average economic loss in dollars from natural ...
Using irregular polygon bins, such as census tracts, countries, provinces, or sales territories, allows you to explore the distribution of the data in regions that have meaning to your analysis. A great example of this is if you want to know how many customers and what the average purchase ...