~odom_frame(string, default:“odom”):里程计坐标系。 ~map_update_interval(float, default: 5.0):地图更新频率,根据指定的值设计更新间隔。 ~maxUrange(float, default: 80.0):激光探测的最大可用范围(超出此阈值,被截断)。 ~maxRange(float):激光探测的最大范围。 所需的坐标变换 雷达坐标系→基坐标系:...
update:设置scale缩放地图或者设置经纬度引起regionchange回调 drag:手指滑动或者调用接口moveToMyLocation引起regionchange回调 rotate:通过旋转地图引起的regionchange回调 tap {latitude, longitude} 点击地图时触发。 markertap {markerId} 点击地图标记点时触发。 callouttap {markerId} 点击标记点对应弹窗触发。 controltap...
A refresh interval keeps your maps in sync with the latest data while the map is open. For example, you may have anArcGIS Field Mapsmap with a damage assessment feature layer that field workers update every few minutes. Set a refresh interval for this damage layer to help your office team...
添加可视化图层。需要刷新时,interval 可设置的最小值为 15 s。 #MapContext.removeVisualLayer(Object object) 移除可视化图层。 #MapContext.executeVisualLayerCommand(Object object) 执行可视化图层指令,结合MapContext.on('visualLayerEvent')监听事件使用。
PUT /indexers/blob-indexer?api-version=2024-07-01 { "dataSourceName" : " blob-datasource ", "targetIndexName" : "my-target-index", "schedule" : { "interval" : "PT2H" }, "fieldMappings" : [ { "sourceFieldName" : "metadata_storage_path", "targetFieldName" : "key", "mapping...
timeStep(start, interval, unit)# Loop through time spanswhileend < lyrTokyo.time.endTime:# Update the map frame with the time spanmtTokyo.currentTimeStart = start mtTokyo.currentTimeEnd = end# Export the time span to pdfoutput_pdf_file = os.path.join(basedir,"output", f"Historical...
update every few minutes. Set a refresh interval for this damage layer to help your office team see the latest feature data from the field while keeping the map open in their browser, desktop, or device.You can enable a refresh interval between six seconds and one day onmany types of ...
FineBI 6.1 Documentation FineReport 10 Documentation FineDataLink Documentation FineOps Documentation Last update:January 20, 2025 Overview Version Report Server Version Functional Change 11.0 / Application Scenario FineReport supports the monitor refresh function. The frontend data can be updated in real ti...
public static interface ApplicationGatewayUrlPathMap.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithBackendAddressOrPath extends WithBackendAddress<ParentT>, WithPathRule<ParentT> The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to add more backend addresses, start speci...
调用imageSource.createPixelMap()报错“Create PixelMap error” 问题现象 从相册获取到一张图片uri,代码如下: const file = fs.o……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网